How do you run a test suite from VS Code? Do rockets leave launch pad at full thrust? To allow all cookies click OK. But if we just compare the 737 NG with the A320, this advantage is reversed, and still the A320 comes out slightly ahead. So, in short, I don't think any one factor explains the difference, but the sum of several factors, most of them being related to age, does explain the difference. What does it take to make our top twenty safest airlines. The Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 are two of the most popular single-aisle planes flying. Use the slider below to see the different types of cookies you can choose to allow. How to extend lines to Bounding Box in QGIS? A single incident would likely flip which one had more fatalities. •There are lots more older less-safe 737s being flown by corner-cutting budget airlines in third-world kleptocracies? How is the Ogre's greatclub damage constructed in Pathfinder? microbursts downing Delta 191), ground collisions that resulted in insurance writeoffs ( a "hull loss"), maintenance whoopsies like not tightening the fuel lines, operational errors (Tenerife put a major dent in the 747's accident statistics, nothing to do with the plane), External forces ( WTC attacks, various shoot-downs like Malaysian and Korean Air etc. Yes, other answers are correct, the 767 is considered a widebody a/c which is designed to be a medium to long haul a/c but the A320 can actually do the same distance, infact BA fly an Airbus A319 from Shannon to New York for business customers. Are you saying that Airbus pilots make fewer screwups, avoid weather, don't hit things on the ground, have more careful groundcrew & engineers, get better ATC instructions and are less favoured by terrorists? I thought I'd compare the accident rates of these two similar, competing, very successful aircraft. Were 3,500 of those fatalities in the first 20 years? The 737 is Boeing’s most widely produced aircraft and has nine variants flown by almost all major domestic airlines, especially Southwest, which operates only 737s and has 665 of ’em! Boeing and Airbus seek to exploit this by subcontracting the production of aircraft components or assemblies to manufacturers in countries of strategic importance in order to gain a competitive advantage overall. 8 hours ago, -
The link actually has the answer. Book about young girl meeting Odin, the Oracle, Loki and many more. We will put the A321neo up against the 737 MAX 10 since the latter has the closest amount of seats to the Airbus model.. ), We simply need more accidents to collect statistical data. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Why does the Boeing 737 have a pitot tube on the tail? ! Airbus: Easier to land smoothly, but fly-by-wire logic makes crosswind landings a challenge. The screens, thrust levers, and various controls and levers are located in similar positions as can be seen when comparing an Airbus 320-200 and Boeing 737-800 flight deck in images below. For one, the early 737s had a design flaw which allowed the rudder to reach a hard-over position, and get stuck there. The 737s have, together, flown many times more passenger-miles than the A320s? But thankfully, there are very few accidents for each type per year, so the statistical base is too low for a meaningful comparison. These figures are from the respective Wikipedia pages. Why does the landing gear control have 3 positions (up/down/off) on Boeing 737-800? We use cookies to make our website easier for you to use. The A320 after having been corrected for the various possible software bugs is theoretically as safe as the B777 because they use comparable FBW technology. worse, it doesn't take into account the average leg length of flights with these aircraft. Does the Boeing 737 NG have “5” radar altitude callout? Note that this video only covers the A320-200Neo and 737-8, and not the aircraft family. See above. • The Boeing 777, Airbus A319 and ERJ- 145 have all recorded no fatal accidents to passengers or passenger fatalities. Design philosophy and cost savings approach seems more safety oriented on the airbus. and then it gets a lot harder. To have a more meaningful comparison, I would suggest to compare the fatalities per year, so the status in operational procedures can be excluded as a factor. It's even tricky with first-line carriers. They are about the same size and look quite similar to the … The Boeing 737 MAX 7 beats the Airbus A319 with its better range. The Boeing 737 is a bit smaller with a 148″ fuselage and only 139″ in the cabin. We have placed cookies on your device to enhance your browsing experience. Boeing has a great presentation covering the commercial fleet accident rate from 1959-2012, 5,029 A320s out of 6,171 in service were delivered 2000 or later. One additional consideration is that the Airbus 320 is quieter than the Boeing 737 in the flight deck. @reirab: I agree in general; when a single accident can flip the picture, any statistical conclusion would be almost meaningless. etc. Boeing needed a fuel efficient aircraft to retain its market share -- so it launched the 737 MAX. READ: What does it take to make our top twenty safest airlines? As a further justification, for instance on the 737max the pilots did loose precious time fetching in the paper checklist the appropriate action to do, while with an automatic checklist like on the B777 or the A320 they wouldn’t have crashed. It's probably the single most common jet airliner in such situations. •The 737s have, together, flown many times more passenger-miles than the A320s? How do airplanes maintain separation over large bodies of water? Photo: Getty Images Airbus A321neo vs. 737 MAX 10. Does anyone remember this computer game at all? Thanks for watching and please subscribe for more great videos!! Questions - Boeing 737 vs. Airbus A320 advantages - Hi all, If you were a boeing 737 salesman, how would you sell the Boeing 737-800 in comparison to ... How Boeing should have responded to the 737 Max safety crisis. The average 737 is significantly older than the average A320 and, thus, has flown more flight cycles. By September 2018, there were 7,251 A320 family ceo aircraft in service versus 6,757 737NGs, while Airbus expected to deliver 3,174 A320neos compared with 2,999 Boeing 737 MAX through 2022. Then you will love this! Broadly speaking I suspect the 20 years more service time, much of it back when aviation accidents were somewhat more common, is a large part of it. So, what is the answer? The upgraded 737-300/400/500 (Classics) which appeared in 1984 had a crash rate of 0.25, while the 737 NG (New Generation) models which entered service in 1998, have a crash rate of just 0.08. This means that the Airbus A320 has 7 more inches of width than the Boeing 737. Otherwise you can use this tool to manage. Plus I imagine older 737s have mostly been retired". In addition to the average 737 being significantly older (and, thus, having significantly more flight-cycles) than the average A320, you still have to consider that there are 31% more delivered 737s than A320s. Take a trip to Central and South America. Either they can be expected to affect both planes randomly and they will cancel out on a large enough sample or they affect one type of aircraft disproportionately and that's an interesting finding you need to explain. Plus I imagine older 737s have mostly been retired. Other aircraft that have excellent safety records are the Boeing 737NG series with 0.08 fatal crashes per one million departures (PMD), the Boeing 767 (0.10), the Airbus A320 series (0.10), the Boeing 777 (0.18), the Boeing 757 (0.20) and the Airbus A330 (0.19). Is it unusual for a DNS response to contain both A records and cname records? Credit Airbus Other aircraft that have excellent safety records are the Boeing 737NG series with 0.08 fatal crashes per one million departures (PMD), the Boeing 767 (0.10), the Airbus A320 series (0.10), the Boeing 777 (0.18), the Boeing 757 (0.20) and the Airbus A330 (0.19). A: No, there is no difference in the retraction procedure between Airbus and Boeing airplanes. Retrieved from . As of 31 December 2017, the order of the airline models with the five lowest non-zero crash rates were: 0.03 - Embraer 170/190 0.06 - Boeing 747-400 According to the excellent methodology of Dr. Todd Curtis, a former safety analyst with The Boeing Company, the single-asle Airbus fleet has a statistical safety record that is three times better than its about-the-same-sized-competitor the B737 (0.11 vs. 0.34). zThere are nine major commercial pure jet aircraft that can claim to be the world’s safest aircraft because they have never recorded a passenger fatality. Hell even a non-noteworthy incident could have been a no-surviver crash if some things went differently. Until summer 2013, there had been a grand total of zero passenger deaths on a 777 ever (in nearly 20 years of operational history,) then 3 fatal incidents happened within a year (none of which, as far as we know, were actually related to the airframe. We are collecting cookies for marketing purposes. A320 has triple redundancy in systems like AOA and radio altimeter/ autoland vs Boeing double radio altimeter/ autoland and single aoa channel. They are about the same size and look quite similar to the untrained eye. While I'm not sure that their average use cases are very different for aircraft of the same age, there are far more old 737s than old A320s. These numbers are the NG 737 aircraft vs the Airbus aircraft. And in my recollection, I thought the 737 rudder problem has been fixed by Boeing. There are lots more older less-safe 737s being flown by corner-cutting budget airlines in third-world kleptocracies? The safety of the A320 relies on the automatic checklist like the B777, on the FBW, on the redundancies as a summary on Technology, The safety of the B737 relies on the experienced pilots from generation to generation who know all its qualities but also all its weaknesses. However, the A320 is wider than the 737 and has a higher number of seats if out in an all-economy configuration. Boeing 727. Why doesn't IList only inherit from ICollection? Having flown the Airbus 319/320/321 and the Boeing 737 … So, aircraft-years of service alone explains a factor of 2.5 (half the difference.). Because many of the world's airlines are wholly or partially government-owned, aircraft procurement decisions are often taken according to political criteria in addition to commercial ones. These figures are from the respective Wikipedia pages. This is a really rare event, and statistic over such low rate are not relevant. Airbus A320 Neo vs Boeing 73 7 MAX. Even the early models of the mighty 747 had a crash rate of 1.46. Of course, this also means that there are a lot more old 737s to be sold to the aforementioned third-world airlines than A320s. Aviation progressed a long ways in those 20 years by developing safe practices all across the industry which helped to lower the accident rate for everyone. Boeing has a great presentation covering the commercial fleet accident rate from 1959-2012, and just looking at the accident rate graph shows how far commercial air travel has come in cutting their accident rate. The flight envelope protection of A320 does help sometimes. 737 A320 Introduced 1968 1988 Number Built 8104 6171 Accidents/Incidents 329 60 Hull Loss Accidents 154 23 Fatalities 4287 782. The Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 are two of the most popular single-aisle planes flying. This video is about Airbus A320Neo vs Boeing 737 Max 8. Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit some websites. Plus Airbus just has a completely different design approach and architecture for flight control. "See above. rev 2021.1.11.38289, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Aviation Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. With the 737-100 having first flown on April 9, 1967, the 737 family is older than the A320 family which flown for the first time almost 20 years later.However, to better understand the history of the two families, let’s take a look at the different 737 and A320 models. You would have to plot the accidents against the year to even begin to have something reasonable. Airbus was improving the A320 through a program called the A320 Enhanced in 2006, which featured weight savings, a new cabin design, and curved sharklets. •But they address the same market, why would their usage differ so markedly? You also need to remove non-airframe accidents like: Once you look at 3rd-owner and beyond you may find yourself in the less developed countries with poor maintenance, training etc. But they address the same market, why would their usage differ so markedly? Hull loss rate/million departures: 737-1/200: 1.75, 737-3/4/500: 0.52, 737-6/7/8/900: 0.26, A318-A321: 0.26. The annual Boeing Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents Worldwide Operations 1959-2018 lists the following aircraft as having a fatality free record: Boeing 717 (formerly the MD95), CRJ700/900/1000 regional jet, A380 superjumbo, Boeing 787, Boeing 747-8, Airbus A350, Bombardier C Series, A340 and the Airbus A320 NEO series. The 737’s cabin and flight deck width are still the same size as the original 707 that first went into service in the 1950s. Why is there the discrepancy reported in the question? What would make a plant's leaves razor-sharp? But it's still in production, so 1988...current 737s can be built with many of the same safety features found in an A320 produced the same year. Also, the Boeing report does not include any jets built in Russia or former Soviet bloc countries nor turbo-prop or piston-powered aircraft of any make. I'd expect little or no difference. Based on their respective Wikipedia Orders and Deliveries numbers by year, the average fleet age of the 737 is a little over 16 years while the average age of A320s is only about 8.5 years. But I would expect that the low fatality rate in the early 2000s is more due to the small number of A320s around. •See above. If you look at fatalities per year, beginning in 2000, these numbers emerge: Now you need to factor in the number of flight hours per type per year, which I do not have available. -
A lot of the 737 fleet already had flown many cycles before the first A320 ever rolled out of the factory. The old 737s are 7 times less safe. 13. This is a major contributor to the high number of fatalities in the early operational years. As others have pointed out, this should give a more equal basis for a comparison. If the Airbus aircraft were better, they would be outselling the 737 NG series. How does SQL Server process DELETE WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM TABLE)? Of course, these planes have flown more miles, so the difference in fatalities per passenger-mile is most likely lower than 5x. Boeing use pull switches as opposed to Airbus who use the 'lights out' principle within the cockpit. Just to further highlight the statistical meaninglessness, the A320 total is now more than twice as high as it was just over 2 years ago, while I think we can all agree that the A320 is no less safe than it was a couple of years ago. At first glance, the design of the flight decks for Airbus and Boeing aircraft which are currently in production are visually quite similar. What should I do? In total, the B737 fleet has about 131,000 aircraft-years of history compared to about 52,800 aircraft-years for the A320. Are there that many 40-year old 737s in the hands of incompetent airlines? They include the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747-8 ... the safety of the modern Boeing 737 MAX aircraft has been ... Boeing 747-8, Airbus A350, Bombardier C Series, A340 and the Airbus A320 … They might not all be 40 years old, but, yes, there are tons of older 737s that were sold off to third-world airlines and/or airlines that simply operate in more dangerous areas. In addition, Airbus’ CE… Safety. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I assume they have not been the subject of edit-war falsification by fanboys of planemakers. Though first built in 1963, here we have a quantum leap in safety. @Articuno "You can't ever know for certain, there are too many variables to control for.". At bottom, a Boeing 737, an -800 model with China Southern; at top, an Airbus A320, Beijing International Airport, November 23, 2015 (Photo by VCG/VCG via Getty Images) Boeing, too, has continuously updated the 737. I assume they have not been the subject of edit-war falsification by fanboys of planemakers. Sindreu, J. and that is a reason to not trust those kind of statistics, every accident/incident/crash must be viewed separately. The initial models had a fatal crash rate of 0.89 PMD. I wondered what might be the reason for the 737 seeming a much less safe plane. +1 for the last part of the answer. Technically you cannot compare the A320 to the B737 because they are technically totally different even though competing commercially. 1 day ago, -
Having flown both this year twice on both aircraft A320 A319 Boeing 737 800 I mutch prefer The Airbus four landings weren't even sure if we were on the run way in the Boeing on the other hand thump every time and light turbulence you new it was there on the Airbus took it with ease unless it was the ryanair pilots compared to Easyjet My main research advisor refuses to give me a letter (to help for apply US physics program). But you need to consider that many more A-320 were flying at the time than 737 NGs, and if you take that into consideration, the A-320 could well be considered safer even in the time before 2009 - with all caveats, as mentioned above. Plus I imagine older 737s have mostly been retired. I'd suspect that the answer is a combination of a lot of factors, including all of the ones mentioned in the question. Was Aloha Airlines Flight 243 (the Sunshine Roof flight) a design flaw, maintenance not fixing it properly, operations not grounding it for maintenace etc. Boeing initially dragged their feet in rectifying this, so it took a number of accidents before this design flaw was corrected. These accident rates are a fraction of those recorded by the first jets such as the Boeing 707, which has a fatal crash rate of 4.28 per million departures. And, in fact, according to your numbers here, it was the other way around as of the end of 2009. Aviation Voice . Airbus has always declared that it does not want to profit from Boeing’s problems with the 737 Max. Boeing's problem was that Airbus was poised to make a big sale to American Airlines. •The 8,104 737s have, on average, flown many times more cycles than the 6,171 A320s? ). It's noteworthy that half of the 737's are "Next Generation" models, yet these account for only 527 fatalities. Why does the Boeing 737 have 5 x the passenger fatalities of the Airbus 320? A 1 kilometre wide sphere of U-235 appears in an orbit around our planet. Why aren't 737s or A320s commonly used for transatlantic flights? /sarcasm. The 737 is longer and taller than the A320 is, this results in the 737 having a higher lower number of seats when compared to the A320. It should be noted that the CSeries and A320NEO have only recently started deliveries so the in-service numbers are small. The 777 highlights this even more. I thought I'd compare the accident rates of these two similar, competing, very successful aircraft. Without looking more closely at the numbers, I would say that a major contributing factor is that the 737 contains data starting 20 years prior to the start of the data for the A320. Why does Steven Pinker say that “can’t” + “any” is just as much of a double-negative as “can’t” + “no” is in “I can’t get no/any satisfaction”? Why didn't the Romulans retreat in DS9 episode "The Die Is Cast"? The 737 family can be divided into four separate series (or generations), two of which are no longer in production: On the other hand, the A320 family includes only two generations o… Number still in service (outside the U.S.): 412 Would the advantage against dragon breath weapons granted by dragon scale mail apply to Chimera's dragon head breath attack? Similarly, the 737 also relies on various technologies and redundancies to improve safety. Why did postal voting favour Joe Biden so much? US rule aims to make supersonic flight testing easier, Cathay resumes flights to London Heathrow, Flying horses grounded as US airlines apply new rules, Plaintive plea on Asia-Pacific borders amid dismal passenger numbers, New color images revealed of the giant of aerospace, Colour video of the magnificent stratocruiser jumbo of the 1950s, Glamorous flight attendants show off aircraft, In-flight entertainment in the golden age of flying, Fabulous colour video of flying in the Golden Age of travel, Colourizing Qantas’s first 707 delivery flight. (2019). Take the world’s most successful jet, the Boeing 737, with over 14,300 sold, which was first introduced to service in 1967s. What kind of horizontal stabilizer does a Boeing 737 have? Depending on your objectives, removing weather- or pilot-related accidents might not be the best way to approach these data. The remaining 3760 fatalities were in earlier models. A 25 September 2009 entry on the News described the contents of the following video, which lists popular airliner models with the five lowest fatal plane crash rates. AirlineRatings’ thoughts on the MH370 tragedy aired on the BBC, Boeing Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents Worldwide Operations 1959-2018. Naturally, there are plenty of variants of each to choose from, and if While the first A320 delivery was in 1988, the vast majority of A320 deliveries have been since 2000 (5,029 A320s out of 6,171 in service were delivered 2000 or later.) under-full-control crashes like controlled flight into terrain (pilot screwups have nothing to do with the airframe, and account for a lot of accidents), weather-related issues that are not pilot screwups (e.g. Is Dirac Delta function necessarily symmetric? Both are a new generation of re-engined aircraft that claim on giving airlines huge fuel burn savings of up to 15%. A new one should be coming out right about now, and. @MSalters Drawing that conclusion ignores the fact that the, Just because an A320 has more advanced technology, that hardly implies you don't need an experienced pilot to fly it. It only takes a minute to sign up. It is a different concept, but all aircraft require good systems, @Bianfable, what you are stating is the Bible of aviation, and everybody does agree; what I am indicating are features that are more necessary to this or to that aircraft, for instance on the max the pilots did loose time fetching in the paper checklist the appropriate action to do, while with an automatic checklist like on the B777 or the A320 they wouldn’t have crashes. Do card bonuses lead to increased discretionary spending compared to more basic cards? Well, to be fair, the difference between the NGs and the A320 here would be well within the margin of error. 2 days ago. You'll find plenty of the old 737 in service and being scrapped for parts to keep the other old ones in the air. Altogether, the A321neo has a maximum capacity of 240, which trumps the MAX 10’s offering. Which jet airliner types have had the fewest accidents per million departures? Does the Boeing 737 MAX use electro-hydraulic actuators? Raw numbers like this are more-or-less useless. Is the 737NG hydraulically controlled or electronically controlled? Do GFCI outlets require more than standard box volume? First off, we’re talking about what airlines call their smaller mainline planes: the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 families of aircraft, and their sub-types the A319, A321, A320neo and Boeing 737 MAX — which have a single aisle with three seats on either side of the aisle. •Are there that many 40-year old 737s in the hands of incompetent airlines? Pilot screwups may have something to do with the airframe and so may weather-related issues. Twice as safe as those in the four-way tie - and four times safer than the early 737- the Boeing 727 is good for two-million hours of flying per accident! Many 737s are used for things like island hopping and other very high rotation jobs, and with accidents more likely to happen during takeoff and landing are therefore more "at risk" than aircraft that tend to fly longer hops. You can remove any cookies already stored on your computer, but these may prevent you from using parts of our website. Does the Airbus A320 or Boeing 737 have better resolution screens in the cockpit? Love Switzerland and the DC-3? What's the fastest / most fun way to create a fork in Blender? Boeing: Conventional handling in crosswinds, but high approach speeds make consistent landings more difficult. Airbus: Independent sidesticks make it difficult to know the other pilot’s inputs, thrust levers don’t move during autothrottle operation. What happens? Why does the U.S. have much higher litigation cost than other countries? The Boeing report also shows up how a range of technologies, such as sophisticated, highly computerized cockpits, have dramatically improved aircraft safety. Filter Cascade: Additions and Multiplications per input sample. My speculation doesn't seem very convincing to me. In short, yes. If we want to draw any conclusions, it could be that the A320 is indeed a safer aircraft, but the certainty of this conclusion is very low, being based on a very small number of accidents. I doubt that which airframe is more safe has really changed since then. I do not count the earlier 737 series aircraft in my 3 to 1 margin of outselling Airbus A320 family. As Airbus progressed with the A320 Enhanced, it soon realized that engine technology had progressed to the point that it could deliver 15-20% operating cost reduction over the present generation, since the new engines will burn 16% less fuel. @RedGrittyBrick I knew it existed but Google found it for me (I don't recall my search string, but "Boeing statistical summary of commercial jet airplane accidents" is apparently what it's officially called). Aviation Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for aircraft pilots, mechanics, and enthusiasts. Is there a better explanation supported by reputable studies? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. As I mentioned in a comment earlier, there's no real way to answer this for certain: there are simply too many contributing factors to control for (many of which have nothing to do with the airframe). Airbus A320 was designed as a fly by wire aircraft, from the get-go, the Boeing 737 was designed in a different era, and manual mode had no real computer control (except automatic trims & MCAS). Q: Is there any significant difference in fuel burn between the A320 and 737NG family? The 8,104 737s have, on average, flown many times more cycles than the 6,171 A320s? Be sold to the 737 MAX 7 beats the Airbus model rates these. Third-World kleptocracies initially dragged their feet in rectifying this, so it launched the 737 seeming a much safe. Accidents 154 23 fatalities 4287 782 ( up/down/off ) on Boeing 737-800 higher number of seats if out in orbit... Old 737 in service and being scrapped for parts to keep the other old ones in the air that 40-year... 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Fleet already had flown many cycles before the first A320 ever rolled out the! 8,104 737s have, together, flown many times more passenger-miles than the 737 's ``! A 148″ fuselage and only 139″ in the hands of incompetent airlines in. 737 A320 Introduced 1968 1988 number Built 8104 6171 Accidents/Incidents 329 60 Hull Loss rate/million departures::! And paste this URL into your RSS reader other way around as of the.. More basic cards most popular single-aisle planes flying, according to your numbers here, does...