Finding the right mobile app developer takes some time, but will be worth the search in the end. Comprehensive, community-driven list of essential Mobile App design interview questions. As smartphones become more advanced, designers are adding HTML5 animation and parallax design to mobile apps to bring a new level of richness and excitement to the mobile user experience. 1. Mobile app development is a tricky process. Next you need to focus on what are the candidate's app development and other capabilities. This means that they should understand the concept of having the PWA and/or native mobile apps, working with the backends or infrastructure powering a website and/or product in a similar way, where the mobile app or any other device is actually just a "skin" - the real work is being done at the backend. Pagination is good when the user is searching for something specific within listed content, not just scanning and consuming the flow of information. Example: “Design a ride-sharing service for three buildings of our tech campus” Approach. Here is step by step approach of how to handle a mobile system design interview question. Final Artwork - a good developer should require the final artwork before they start developing to ensure no doubling of effort is done. In other words, notifications are powerful tools for businesses to communicate directly with users and deliver the right message at the right time and place in order to promote engagement. Jeff is an award-winning multi-disciplinary designer. We should use color and contrast to help users see and interpret the content. For example, in order to make an interface for VR we need specialist skills, and we need to create UIs in 3D. … If the developer is working remotely, will you check in in person every so often, and handle all communication electronically or via teleconferences? There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but a combination of gut instinct and testing with customers can quickly help us to get closer to the optimal first-time user experience. 8. At the end of the day. In order to enhance UX at some point, we can use voice for certain actions. How to get your website to load is less than 1 second! It’s in our nature to scroll and that why it’s important to make sure everything important is presented to the user at a glance. So, that’s a lot of different questions based on the company and the person … Answer : Capability Maturity Model is a bench-mark for measuring the maturity of an organization’s … Check out Toptal’s. Answer: Mobile app testing is the testing of applications on a device which mainly focuses on functions and features of the application. It’ll take time for your app to be recognized and widely used by your target audience. Based on user-research, annoying notifications are the primary reason why people uninstall mobile apps (71% of respondents in one recent survey). Test drive the apps they’ve developed in the past. In fact, annoying or too many notifications are the primary reason why people uninstall mobile apps, or disable such notifications (and thus they lose all their effectiveness). Even such stuff as how long it takes from submission to publication of the app, procedures to get an app listed and ranked and how to resolve any issues that arise with the publication of the app. 3D Touch is an emerging technology, and is not supported by pre-2015 Apple devices. What are some specific advantages and disadvantages of both Android and iOS? So basically, both approaches have their pros and cons. If a developer takes an interest in what you do, it’s a positive sign. Besides the negative experience, there is the loss of LTV revenue of that potential customer. The Internet is getting mobile: Microsoft Tag predicts mobile internet will take over desktop internet usage … In practice, we will encounter both version of these icons. You should also identify how often you’ll want to speak with the developer. Over the past month, I have interviewed with about 30 companies for UI, UX, Product, Interaction Designer roles. Designers are likely to work on both native app and responsive web designs. With these interview questions… It’ll give you an idea of what they’ve done and if it’s aligned with what you’re asking for. In addition to designing 3D assets, designers will also have to master certain skills, for example learn some Unity basics, or employ 3D design software. December 2020 offer from Elegant Themes - 25% OFF BEST offer of the YEAR 2020! This means that if the user was searching for something on a website then he will quite easily find the necessary information on a paginated interface. how often will you be communicating with him or her). Ask Questions: Start by asking clarification questions. The design process in the future will change. 17. How should one properly design push notifications and are they important? Users tend to have better experiences with scrolling than clicking/tapping. The only thing we need to consider when designing for mobile is that we have a specific set of rules we need to follow. When users shop online, they want to be able to come back to the place they left off and continue their shopping. Done right, onboarding can help convert prospects into repeat customers. It can also be used to test alternate approaches and design solutions. People often assume that there must be a reason behind design inconsistencies they notice, and they’re apt to spend time trying to figure it out. The app you build must stand apart from the rest because there is heavy competition. Besides UX improvements, we think that the sound can help you be recognized and even affect your brand awareness. Pagination is good for e-commerce sites and apps. Whether you're a candidate or interviewer, these interview questions will help prepare you for your next Mobile App design interview … That might give you a more accurate answer. W3C recommends that small text should have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 against the background. 16. David has been working in or around the online / digital industry for the last 18 years. Which are better for scanning? This eliminates any formatting ambiguity the customer may have had. The first is that user experience design should not be limited to the usual graphic user interface (GUI). Disclosure: CollectiveRay is funded personally out of a pure passion for helping people working with websites. Security is always a very delicate subject especially when talking about mobile devices. A decent originator will have the capacity to verbalize how their plans impact your brand’s essence and take care of viable issues. It’s also important to decide which information we provide first and which one will remain hidden. 7. Also, sometimes it is better not to use icons, because it can be extremely difficult to create icons that illustrate certain contexts. That’s why large enterprises or entrepreneurs who are launching startups should very carefully consider the candidates they’re looking to hire for the job. This can happen when the application … Data comes in many formats. It’s important to indicate which section is currently active by highlighting the icon in a specific way. On the other hand, responsive websites only have access to the features which the browser has access to. A faceted system includes two critical elements: Simple controls to construct sophisticated searches - providing familiar controls like drop-down menus and checkboxes with natural-language labels. They should speak to this experience honestly. Do you have experience in building the features I’m looking for? These emerging technologies will bring monumental changes to digital product design. Try using the following steps to guide your discussion: At, we’ve talked to hundreds of candidates who went through design interviews. Just to be clear, native mobile apps are apps that need to be installed via the Play store or the iOS store, while responsive web design are websites can be accessed through the browser and adapt the look and feel depending on the device which is being used to access the website (e.g. When users depend on scrolling as their prime method of exploring data, it may compel the user to spend more time on your web page, thus increasing engagement. For example, automotive apps could use voice to enhance user experience while the user is focusing on driving. No matter what the content of the notification is, make sure it speaks the same language as your users, literally and figuratively. PWAs or Progressive Web Applications are a hybrid concept between websites and native mobile applications. An experienced developer may still be capable of learning the functionality building you need; speak with them one-on-one to learn more. Faceted search lets users refine a set of results by applying filters that comprehensively describe the search space. How can we extend a user interface with pre-built actions from mobile platforms or other devices? Not all mobile app developers will have built an app from scratch, but rather worked on different aspects of the app. For instance, peeking can be used to provide live, content-rich previews. As a result, the users enjoy a truly responsive experience, regardless of what type of device they’re using. Now, however, more designers are incorporating animation as a functional element that enhances the user experience, to simulate the appearance of interacting with a real object. We tend to take them for granted, especially when designing small websites or mobile apps. Our editorial staff will review it shortly. Great designers begin by trying to understand the problem they’re being asked to solve. A potential candidate won’t have all the answers, but what you can do is take time from the interview process to educate them about your bottom line, your mission and goals for the app. Tabs are one of the most frequently used components of mobile UIs, and for good reason. Users, regardless of frequency, appreciate content that is directly related to their personal interests. Big players like Google and Apple are already using this approach to provide better UX while using their mobile platforms. If your app requires very specific integrations that need to be included, then you’ll need to work with a developer with experience. They should go into detail about their involvement and how it directly relates to what you’re looking for. Marko is a UX/UI designer focused on creating concepts and experiences that empower people and solve real-world problems. The Application class in Android is the base class within an Android app that … Hours poured in the development and testing of an app are … Once you have that list, ask the developer what functionalities and features they have experience developing. Show your knowledge about security and expose your ideas about how to minimize security issues in the app they are creating. In-app purchases work when an app is smartly designed in a way that will drive purchase conversions. Without it, new versions of the app cannot be submitted to the store, and you’ll be forced to release a brand new app under a different account or name. It could take awhile before your mobile app is earning money (after all, have you seen all the free apps on the App store?). Find out if he or she is reliable, if they actively communicated with you along the way, and if they met deadlines and budget targets. You can’t expect a mobile app developer to successfully build your app without understanding what it is you do and how the app will make a difference. Every designer should have a detailed answer prepared for this. Pokemon Go changed the rules of the game and created a new trend in mobile design and gaming. Below is the list of 2020 software Engineering Interview Questions and Answers, which can be asked during an interview … Such stuff as built-in notifications, access to the camera, storage, access to information such as contacts, ensures the mobile app has a deeper integration with the device it is installed on. Other examples include zooming content or providing feedback to confirm a user’s action. And Mobile Testing is the testing of the actual mobile device and focuses on mobile … At the end of the day, you want your mobile app developer to be as heavily invested in the app as you. Hope the above 20 UI design questions and answers can help you realize a successful UI interview. Afterwards, it’s important to ensure sufficient color contrast between elements so users with impaired vision can read the elements and use the app. In order avoid hiding content, we can use different patterns like tabs, filters, and so on, while still providing the user with the most important information at the time. Displaying faceted-search controls on mobile devices in a ‘tray’ overlay is a new and effective way of displaying both results and filters on relatively small mobile screens. For example, how do you design around Apple’s 3D Touch? The different iOS application states are: Not running state: when the app has not been launched or was running but was terminated by the system. This site is proudly powered by FAST VPS InMotion Servers and given an insane speed thanks to StackPath CDN! Answer: This is an awesome chance to perceive how a graphics designer thinks about their calling. Animation has long been used as an eye-catching element that helps differentiate an app from its competitors. User onboarding in the context of mobile application is the journey / process of getting the user to successfully start using the app, or product powered by the app. The same approach can be used when we have complex systems. The ability to narrow down searches is invaluable for users who need to find something specific within a large content set. The next section will actually focus on app development per se because this one of the most important parts of the project! One app that runs on this particular version of Android OS may or may not run on another version. A good designer won’t just jump in and start designing. If you’re a large enterprise, you might feel more comfort knowing the mobile app developer you want to hire has similar experience. Before you do your research, you should ask yourself the following questions. Once that happens, you’ll have the authority to charge a small fee for your app. It’s best suited for sites and apps that boast lots of user-generated content (Twitter, Facebook) or visual content (Pinterest, Instagram). Following are the most frequently asked questions … Detailed purpose of the app for the app publisher, Description of the target audience, various "personas" and/or user demographics, Any existing apps that implement a similar concept, Wireframes and designs of the look and feel. You’ll be working very closely with this mobile app developer. Please read our full FTC disclosure linked at the footer of this website. The right design will make all the difference. According to a study by Nielsen/Norman Group, a global leader in user experience research, training, and consulting, hidden navigation patterns (like hamburger menus) decrease content discoverability by 21% and increase the amount of time it takes to actually use navigation by 2 seconds on average. Therefore, icons are meant to be simple visual elements that are recognized and understood immediately. Every interview is different and the scope of a job is different too. Toptal can match you with the best designers to finish your project. While a mobile app developer will list clients whom they have a good relationship with, consider asking if there were hurdles or problems along the way. No one knows the ins and outs of your app better than your mobile app developer. Thus, hints may appear in different orders for different users and actions. Also, find out how much it costs. 2. Ask the developer if they use a program like this. Web Design Interview Questions; WEB:- More Interview Questions; Server. This is by no means an unreasonable question to ask in any interview. Various car manufacturers have been integrating voice controls in their automotive infotainment systems for years. For instance, the phone number field can be auto-formatted. Will you submit my mobile app to the appropriate app stores, and under which name will it be published? Why are they important, how do they affect the end-result? But when people finally download the app, they sometimes feel abandoned or let down. Copyright © 2005 - 2020 CollectiveRay. Elements that have similar functions should also have a similar appearance. This is another great video about hiring developers for apps. In such cases, icons are still useful as they can enhance the discoverability of menu items and they can also add a nice touch and personality to your app. For example, preview a link in an email before deciding to open it in Safari or share it with friends. If we use the outlined icons for the normal state, then we should probably use the filled icon for the active state of the button. What is the best practice when it comes to designing icons for a mobile product? How could AR and VR change the future of mobile design? Remember we mentioned the part about not being in communication with your mobile app developer? Cards are fast becoming one of the best design patterns for mobile devices. Pagination, on the other hand, is a safer option, and a good choice for sites and apps that intend to satisfy goal-oriented activities of the users. The basic design process behind all of them is more or less the same. Your app developer should have experience submitting the app to various app stores. The combination of Augmented Reality (AR) and flexibility provided by smartphone platforms helped create a whole new user experience. Once an app has been developed and is thoroughly tested, it’s time to launch. What about design and user experience? Finding the right mobile app developer takes some time, but will be worth the search in the end. A set of questions that I have accumulated over the years in preparation for my many Android Interviews Prep. Onboarding is not restricted to new users who need a better understanding of your product. 8 Interview Questions for Mobile App Developers. What is the best way to improve User Experience (UX) without changing the interface? When do you choose a hamburger menu and how this is this pattern interpreted by the user? Notifications are powerful because they help you communicate directly with users and deliver timely messages that can prompt actions or engagement. Professional UI designers would … These are the same questions, we ask, when performing our hiring process. You’ll also have a strong indication if this mobile app developer is right for you based on looking at their portfolio. The app does not care to ever provide the user location back to the user, only to send it to the server then delete the local data on success. As a mobile app developer, they will probably have a preferred set of tools/services that they prefer to use, both from a development and a production point of view. Be confident and work hard. Ilona is an experienced product designer who's worked with venture-backed startups and enterprise clients. More importantly, they will be there for you long after the app is sent to the app store. Before you begin interviewing potential candidates, create a wish list of which features your app must have, and which are nice to have. For security reasons, a browser is sandboxed (or limited in terms of functional access). This allows ordinary users to narrow down a large set of results to a smaller set that meets their exact criteria, without any knowledge of Boolean logic or query syntax. So, if we want to have your project well-ranked on Google, you definitely go for a mobile-friendly responsive design. Your developer needs to understand the security implications of your app. Please note that submitted questions and answers are subject to review and editing, and may or may not be selected for posting, at the sole discretion of Toptal, LLC. Their role is to … The new iOS 3D Touch gesture poses some physical challenges for users. You don’t want to launch an app that hasn’t been thoroughly tested. Therefore, you must do a good job at showing users why they need your app and how they should use it. Live validation and similar features can help us to write down the form faster and without any mistakes which may affect the end-result and the user’s decision whether or not to proceed with their actions (i.e. System design questions are an important part of programming job interviews, and if you want to do well, you must prepare this topic. It’s a common mistake to assume that your users are either familiar with abstract pictograms or they’re willing to spend extra time exploring and learning them. Do we really need both? The work atmosphere and culture could be very different from what the mobile app developer is used to, and therefore might not be the best fit. Nowadays, mobile users will rely on apps to learn more about products, and even will fork out money to actually buy apps - provided these give enough value. User onboarding is the process of increasing the likelihood that new users will successfully adopt your product. Ensure your developer provides detailed examples. With tooltips we can explain why some things are there or why others are not. In summary, this is what you should look out for when you want to draft your own survey questions: For a more qualitative feedback, ask open-ended questions that starts with “What”, “Why”, “Which” and “Describe” … This first part covers basic Graphic Design interview questions and answers 1. Onboarding can sometimes be an integral part of the app, where we show the user how to behave within the app. Closing the panel shrinks the menu, where it disappears back into the button. Contrast between the background and content needs to be strong so text is legible. What Is Meant By Capability Maturity Model? They keep customers engaged and may even drive more sales. Why are they good and when is the best time to use them? Ilona is also the founder and owner of, where she develops custom design systems for the easier development, scalability, and maintenance of products. What is onboarding and why is it so important for mobile design? The system design interview is an open-ended conversation, which you’ll be expected to lead. We are currently witnessing a re-architecture of the web, away from pages and destinations, towards completely personalized experiences built on an aggregation of many individual pieces of content. Listen to what they have to say, and listen to the tone they give away when speaking with them. Responsive web design is important for SEO and Google indexing. While every system design interview is different, there are some common steps you should cover, even if the conversation might not be as sequential as your ideal thought process. Application Developer Interview Questions. All it will take for the driver to take notice and adjust their speed is a simple audio alarm. Sound tends to be very useful when we go beyond the GUI, especially when it’s necessary to alarm users and prompt them to act as soon as possible. More important than the actual development of an app is the testing itself. How do you decide when to use infinite scroll or pagination? Looking for Mobile App experts? photo: Mueller / MSC. After all, how can you trust someone to invest their effort into building an app if they’re not as experienced as they say? It’s important to seek outside help in mobile app testing. Some native apps can work offline while others can’t. If they are not open about their previous work, it may not be the right fit for you. Unfortunately, this is not the best solution for navigation due to the fact that the idea behind guidelines is to have only one function that handles that action. Good, generous whitespace can make some of the messiest interfaces look inviting and simple. The biggest challenge is to maintain good performance in an application or website with infinite scrolling. Also, solution could be sending a notification out at a reasonable time that would be most effective to your users, unless it’s critical to inform them of something happening right now. It is also important that many of these emerging technologies are reasonably priced, or seamlessly integrated in new devices at no extra cost to the user. What is the difference between a filled or outlined icon? The designer’s answers should revolve around preferred client types or around certain type of platforms: Designing websites, mobile apps, backend dashboards, for instance. Clear labels make users feel more confident that they understand information in the right way, promting them to take action. 2. They collect individual pieces of content aggregated together into one experience. Apple has Siri, while Google has Google Now. What size companies have you worked with in the past? Also read: 10 Questions You’ll Be Asked in a UX Intervie. This type of search has become common for e-commerce/m-commerce and travel websites, as well as many different types of document and media collections. 14. Timing is the second most important thing when we consider making push notification. How do they affect an app’s usability? What kind of communication are you looking for? I agree with the Terms and Conditions of Toptal, LLC's, hiring remains an art, a science — and a lot of work. Tooltips can also be used to show them how things work. Such stuff as storing of personal information, how payments would be handled, what would happen in the case of a security breach, how to comply with local and national legislation and what levels of compliance would be required etc. The developer needs to demonstrate and understanding of how to eventually enable the release of a PWA, that reuses some of the functionality of the website and mobile apps, WITHOUT rewriting everything from scratch. Functional animation makes app experiences more dynamic and provides a more direct visualization of the user’s actions. What is the best search pattern for mobile phones? When launching a product, you need to spend a lot of time and resources to attract a sufficient number of users. Get informed, was there a recent attack to a specific type of software? He's designed solutions for industry leaders such as MAN Trucks, Solera Holdings, Boatim, and DIB Hotel, to name a few. Submitted questions and answers are subject to review and editing, and may or may not be selected for posting, at the sole discretion of Toptal, LLC. All rights reserved. Mobile app design isn’t as simple as choosing pretty colours and images to use. Communication is a critical component of any project. If you need a practical example, look no further than your desktop browser. And, when the mobile app is developed and live in the app stores, you need to think about how the app is performing. This usually happens on e-commerce websites when the user is required to fill in too many fields in order to complete the transaction. Pagination is a user interface pattern that divides content into separate pages. Web developer interview questions like these will help you learn about the candidate’s work style — how they gather requirements, solve problems, manage user feedback, handle QA and … How can you resist the urge to clean up the UI, while still displaying important information? The gaps between smart devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, wearables) are being blurred with each consecutive product generation. Rapidly evolving hardware is bringing AR closer to mainstream users, even though the concept has been around for a while. Let’s imagine you are building an app that will alert the driver when the vehicle is approaching a speed camera or a built-up area. Most developers will charge by the hour. Icons at the end are here to serve as navigation to other section of the app. So it’s really important to consider how these elements are designed. Mobile apps are taking over smartphones. These mobile app developer interview questions steer the interview in this direction. As technology advances, designers have to deal with fewer and fewer restrictions, and can employ a variety of new solutions to enhance user experience. 4. When the user is supposed to enter numbers, we need to ensure that the appropriate numeric keyboard is activated for this field, and make sure that this is implemented consistently throughout the app rather than only for certain tasks but not others. , it ’ s action end-user, allowing users to focus on more important than the actual development an. Os may or may not be the right way, promting them to action! Built an app is running in the past most developers use project management programs are. Changes to the place they left off and continue their shopping interpreted by the user experience audio enhance. Developers for apps clearly indicate the user only relevant information at the end of user.: in-app advertising, subscriptions, pay per download keeping users engaged, up... Active tabs apart from the others gives your potential mobile app developer your... Product design which one will remain hidden they enthusiastic about discussing this app developer s... 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