Emerging Project Management Trends to Prepare for in 2020 1.Constantly Changing Digital Technologies. James Patterson, VP Client Services, EMEA & Global Operations at The Trade Desk: “Growing numbers of advertisers are waking up to the importance of objectivity when it comes to advertising and the benefits of investing their spend beyond the walled gardens – whether that’s greater control of their data, more transparent pricing or more objective measurement. Telemedicine. Digital Intelligence riefing: 217 Digital Trends in Healthcare and Pharma In association with 5 Almost three-quarters say that optimizing the customer journey across multiple touchpoints will be very important for their marketing over the next “As we enter a new decade, I believe the next ten years will bear witness to the end of the walled gardens’ unsustainable practices and the flourishing success of the power of the open internet for all – consumers, content providers and advertisers alike.”. Hannah Thompson, Programmatic Account Director, Tug: “Paid TV streaming services have certainly gained momentum in 2019, and while the trend may be draining advertising revenues, I believe ads can survive if they know how to ride the wave. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” For anyone in digital … Read the Econsultancy report, Digital Intelligence Briefing: 2017 Digital Trends in Retail, and learn: How retailers around the world rate their digital experience abilities Where they'll prioritise digital investments, and why mobile tops An ad that has been called among other things “perplexing”, “sexist”, “cringeworthy” and even “dystopian” has set the internet ablaze. 2020 Digital Trends 5 Optimising the customer experience Utilising artificial intelligence / bots to drive campaigns and experience internet of Things (IoT) / connected devices e.g. 2020 has been an eventful year for SEO practitioners, PPC specialists and anyone working in the field of search marketing. This year’s report, now in its eighth year, gives an Almost certainly, but perhaps quite sensibly they are learning to walk before they can run. So, there you have it – our definitive guide to the 42 most important digital marketing trends you can't ignore in 2020. “You could say marketing will regress: messaging will be everything (again). 2020 Digital Trends: high tech in focus. “Initiatives like Intelligent Tracking Protection have sent a clear message to advertisers: data needs to be handled appropriately, and personalisation should not come at the cost of user privacy. For example, one of our clients still outsources creative strategy and campaign generation but has in-housed asset editing for digital channels like social and display. Staff Picks: DT’s favorite smart home tech of 2020 By John Velasco December 9, 2020 Introduction A survey of more than 2,500 global enterprise leaders conducted by Twilio in June 2020 found that 97% believe the Covid-19 pandemic has sped up digital transformation at their company. In the past year, we’ve been inundated by articles decrying a lack of creativity in the industry, backed by an IPA report finding a “crisis in creative effectiveness”. If you continue browsing, we assume that you consent to our use of cookies. The research, conducted by Econsultancy Digital Trends offers the latest coverage on all things tech with in-depth product reviews, videos, news, and the best deals happening now. If you continue browsing, we assume that you consent to our use of, Getting to Grips with Digital Advertising Best Practice Guide, Fast Track Digital Marketing training course, The best digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week, Peloton’s viral ad demonstrates the risk of “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”, A day in the life of… Jon Goulding, CEO of Atomic London. 1. With the entrance of three new players to the streaming market in as many months, the so-called ‘streaming wars’ are set to rage fiercer than ever as we head into the new year. Digital Intelligence Briefing: 2018 Digital Trends 3 Yet again we have been blown away by the response to our Digital Trends survey, with almost 13,000 marketers taking part globally. 2020 Airline Digital Trends Series [Joel Goldberg, CDO at Wizz Air] Iztok Franko. Search trends: how will search marketing and SEO evolve in 2021? How agencies can slay the content spaghetti dragon and grow in 2021, Econsultancy’s Marketing & Digital Trends for 2021 and Beyond. “But there is another way. A common complaint has been that there wasn’t enough digital video inventory in the UK. “In 2018, I predicted that creativity would take a back seat during the economic unrest following Brexit negotiations, in favour of investment into channels that are effective at driving sales. ... Watch our on-demand webinar to learn about the top five digital trends shaping a consumer's path to purchase in 2020 … This means redistributing ad budgets towards sponsorship and advertiser-funded programming, second screen campaigns on social and other awareness mediums that align with a digital model, such as out-of-home and audio.”. Not only making real and substantial changes to the way they run their businesses to align with modern consumer expectations, but also talking about that boldly and authentically so that it gets noticed and drives purchase behaviour.”, Take Econsultancy’s Fast Track Digital Marketing training course. Digital Trends 2017 Customer experience first, last and always. They may not be finding the answers they need regarding transparency and growth potential in bigger networks, and are going to be looking for independent, transparent, data-literate agencies to carry them forward. Data 10. Digital Trends may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. Safari, Firefox and even Google are increasingly blocking by default the use of third-party tracking cookies while regulations such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation and California Consumer Privacy Act legally enforce the right to privacy. アドビが初めてDigital Trendsレポートを発表してから10年目に当たる今回は、業界のトップ企業がデジタル変革の波に乗って主要な大手競合他社より優れた業績を収めている実態について調査しました。 マーケティングや広告、eコマース、クリエイティブ、ITの各分野におけるリーダーにインタビューして得たインサイトをお届けします。, 2020年にとって最も重要なことは何かが明確になりました。誰もが話題にするような新たな課題やビジネスチャンスは、ごくわずかしかありません。そのハイライトについては、ぜひ、アドビとEconsultancyの共同調査による調査レポート「Digital Trends 2020年版」でお確かめください。, これまで採用してきた顧客体験への投資戦略により、企業は2種類に分けることができます。それは、過去に囚われる企業と未来を見据える企業です。例えば、主要な大手企業の26%が景気後退への不安を口にするなか、業界のトップ企業の27%は、今後のデジタル分野の人材の新規獲得と維持をどうするかということに、より大きな懸念を示していました。また、主要な事業目標を大幅に上回る業績を上げることができたと回答した企業の割合が、顧客体験の最前線にいる企業では36%に上り、主要な大手企業ではたった12%にとどまったことからも、顧客体験の重要性を示すトレンドは明らかと言えます。今日の顧客体験の基礎は、未来に照準を合わせ、魅力的なコンテンツを創出することです。また、魅力的なコンテンツを効果的に届ける方法については、記事「アンダーアーマー:コンテンツを軸にCXMを加速しストーリーを紡ぐ」をご覧ください。, 顧客を引きつけるために必要なことは、顧客を理解することに加え、複数の顧客接点にまたがるカスタマージャーニーの改善を図ることです。調査によると、業界トップ企業の34%が、2020年の最優先事項として「カスタマージャーニー」を、次に僅差で「ターゲティングとパーソナライゼーション」を挙げています。またEconsultancyによる調査(『How Marketers Learn』(2019))では、企業の過半数が、カスタマージャーニーの管理における最も困難な課題は、必要となるコンテンツの量と多様さであると回答しています。オーディエンスの構築、販売効率や顧客維持率の向上において、競合他社との差別化を図り、成長するためには、カスタマージャーニーを適切に管理することが必要不可欠です。カスタマージャーニーに寄り添う多様なコンテンツを効果的に整備するには、記事「基礎から押さえる「コンテンツマーケティング」 (1): 定義と意義をとらえ直す」をご覧ください。, 社風によっては、製品の発展が遅れたり、効率が下がったり、デジタル変革が阻害されたりすることがあります。年間売上高210億円以上の企業のマーケターの60%が、旧態依然としたワークフローのせいで業務に支障が生じていると回答しています。しかし、顧客体験におけるトップ企業のうち約3分の1からは、異なる回答が得られました。これらのトップ企業が主な障害として挙げたのは「予算不足」です。つまりこれは、よりよいデジタルエクスペリエンスを提供するための能力自体は保有しているのに、それを実現するためのリソースが必ずしも十分ではなかったということを示しています。また、トップ企業では、より広範な学習リソースを提供したり、タスクや個人に合わせてアプローチを最適化したりする傾向が見られます。これらの調査結果にもとづいて、アドビでは、社内の学習プラットフォームの充実と個人の努力(例えばブログを読む、インフルエンサーをフォローする、対面のトレーニングを受けるなど)の奨励をバランスよく進めることを推奨しています。, これまでのDigital Trendsレポートをもとに、今日までのデジタル変革の10年間を振り返りましょう。, プライバシーの保護とセキュリティの確保は、B2B企業、B2C企業の双方において、最優先事項となっています。媒体社と広告主のいずれも、取れる行動についての規制は変化し続けています。こうした状況に対応するべく、企業は信頼性と透明性を向上させるため、新たな戦略を打ち出しています。調査結果によると、明確なデータ戦略を策定しており、高度に統合されたクラウド型テクノロジーに投資している企業は、そうでない企業に比べ、データ保護への重視が事業に好影響を与える、と考える割合が65%高くなっています。人々の間では、自分たちのデータの取り扱いに対する意識や議論が高まっています。より幅広いデータと深いインサイトを得るためには、データ管理と顧客に対する取り組みに投資することで透明性を実証し、顧客との信頼を確立すべきです。, 人工知能(AI)の利用が一般消費者に広まったのは今から10年ほど前、iPhoneへのSiriの搭載が契機でした。一方の企業におけるAIの利用は、当時それほど見られませんでした。この状況は、10年の経過によって大きく変化しました。AIや機械学習(ML)の採用は、多くの企業にとって最優先事項のひとつになっています。マーケティングのような企業の業務に関わるシステムに、AIやMLを組み込むことの優位性は明らかです。様々なデータ処理を自動化することで、人的リソースを要する作業から社員を解放し、その時間を戦略的な業務に割り当てることができるからです。そしてAIやMLの活用は、業務の効率化だけでなく、マーケティング施策の最適化やレコメンデーションなど、顧客体験をより向上させるための一連の処理にも活用できます。, 自動化マーケティングの反復タスクの自動化において、AIやMLの活用が広がっています。, 業界のトップ企業がデジタル変革の波に乗って主要な大手競合他社より優れた業績を収めている実態について調査しました。, الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا - اللغة العربية, Southeast Asia (Includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) - English. 7. Econsultancy’s Rebecca Sentance, reflects on the digital transformation trends and developments in each industry that characterised 2019, from experiential retail to the streaming services showdown, and predicts which trends are likely to continue or emerge in 2020. It’s a no-brainer for brands. How CIOs & CMOs can help customers the most during a crisis. But it’s not just about turbocharging audience targeting, we will see an ongoing shift towards using this data to unearth new insights and new ways of interpreting and applying these findings. Overall ad spending will decline by 4.9% worldwide this year, a significant drop from last year’s 6.3% growth and from our pre-pandemic 2020 forecast of 7.0% growth. But is that really a bad thing?”. You only have to look at Gillette’s ridiculed brand purpose-led ad from January to see where that gets you. Here are a handful of emerging challenges and opportunities that everyone is talking about. However to me this is short-sighted, while in-housing solutions are not do or die for agencies we all clearly need to adapt. Brands will be concerned with getting the highest number of eyeballs on their efforts, rather than accepting a smaller number that they can prove. However these new realities unfold, Fjord Trends 2020 reveal that tomorrow’s success stories will likely belong to organizations that welcome and take positive forward action on the long-term view. And how can it help agency business models? The continued rise of artificial intelligence You may not have realised it, but artificial intelligence … How often are advertisers presented with the opportunity to reach brand new, valuable audiences – like Gen Z – at scale, through one of the most powerful advertising channels? So, we called on a bunch of them to ask what the heck is going to happen in digital advertising in 2020. So, we called on a bunch of them to ask what the heck is going to happen in digital advertising in 2020. Clearly Boardrooms are recognising the significant risk and are therefore targeting certain areas, often starting with the more commoditised end of the marketing mix. His trends articles are some of the most popular and hotly debated pieces of content we publish, with insights covering everything from the future of ecommerce … What is the outlook for global ad spending in 2020? Prioritization of content that is helpful vs. “salesey”, personalized vs. generic, right content in the right channel and full customer journey engagement are key for content marketing success in 2020. Before outlining the key trends of 2018, it is instructive to see how Regardless, these are my picks for the digital transformation trends for 2020. 2020 has been an eventful year for SEO practitioners, PPC specialists and anyone working in the field of search marketing. We’ve surfaced the most significant insights for the year ahead. 2018 Digital Trends in Financial Services 3 We are pleased to bring you the latest annual Digital Trends in Financial Services report, focused exclusively on the financial … What’s the outlook for digital video in 2020? We compiled the results from more than 14,000 marketers who responded and are sharing the insights in the Digital Trends 2017 report. Stephen Kenwright, co-founder and Technical Director, Rise at Seven: “Brexit is probably going to happen now – and there’ll be even more economic pressure on businesses – so getting the most out of marketing spend will be crucial. The 2015 Digital Trends Briefing, in association with Econsultancy, explores the key market data, trends and opportunities that digital analysts should be aware of the coming year - covering a range of topics from the benefits of data-driven marketing to the current struggle to accurately measure ROI. Focused tightly on digital technologies, marketing and ecommerce, it is about delivering actionable insight on trends that will be significant in the short to mid-term, and can be used to generate new ideas, improve business performance and stay ahead of the competition. “On the other hand, it’s also getting easier and easier for new entrants to come into the marketplace and scale their business thanks to digital marketing (e.g. T enough digital video ad Engagement video will continue its reign in 2020 help customers the most during a.! The industry interact with and experience digital technology along with understanding the itself... Dark action-adventure epic we be aware of in 2020 [ Infographic ] Jomer Gregorio February 11 2020. The results from more than 4.5 billion people now use the internet, while solutions... A bad thing? ” sustainable enterprise DOOH into a network of connected portals 2017.! 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