In biblical times, they would watch for the first indication of nose flies and then apply a natural repellent made of olive oil and strongly scented, medicinal essential oils. This article investigates whether drinking olive oil is a good idea. Fruit flies are invading my house! Update: Ok I just tried giving Ferrah some olive oil but she just sniffed it and then just walked away. Lavender, peppermint, lemongrass and cedar oils work well, but they must be diluted in water or a carrier oil like olive or sweet almond oil before application. In moderation, olive oil may help prevent a number of diseases. Remedy. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is the highest quality olive oil available, extracted from the olive fruit without the use of any heat or chemicals. Cloves can also be used to keep house flies off of your body when you're outdoors, but don't apply undiluted clove oil directly to the skin as it may cause itching, burning, irritation, and nerve damage. Olive oil was one of the few products with a multifaceted use and of high luxury value; not only was it… Olive oil, just like all other oils and fats, are a chief source of calories. Like peppermint oil, spearmint essential oil also keeps the flies at bay. The fruity notes in olive oil can be green, like grassy, herbaceous or artichoke; or ripe, like nutty, buttery or banana. But there are still a few easy ground rules to follow: Look for dark or opaque bottles, because olive oil doesn’t like light. The CDC recommended olive oil left in for 4 hours and then washed out, so I decided to try it for these little (less than 3 week old) kits. It provides healthful fats. Process: In a small bottle, mix 1 teaspoon clove oil with 10 teaspoons olive oil. The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Diptera, Tephritidae) first was recorded in California in October 1998 when a single female fly was captured in west Los Angeles. If you’re a fan of great olive oil — particularly of oils from Tuscany and Umbria — you’d better get ready to start dipping into your wallet. I was wondering if I can use olive oil as a treat since she only eats dry ferret food. While olive oil is most often used as a cooking and dipping oil, some people believe drinking it affords the most benefits. Favourite answer. Spearmint has low concentrations of menthol, which makes it a safer choice to use around children. Olive oil does not have a lengthy shelf life, so look for the harvest date on the label. Olive oil only lasts for two years, and that's assuming it's stored in perfect conditions. Lemongrass oil is the essence of the lemongrass plant. Yes i like it -.-1 0. Because of the seriousness of the problems caused by nose flies, shepherds must be extremely attentive. Ben. Learn more here. The flies can pupate in olives that are left on the tree or on the ground, ready to emerge as adults in the spring. Olive oil plays a key role in the Mediterranean diet. Check out these six natural recipes you can make at home. Take a mixing bowl and add a few drops of spearmint essential oil in it. Adult flies are most active during warm, bright days and feed upon the surfaces of fruits, leaves, plant secretions and honeydew produced by aphids. Do Ferrets Like Olive Oil? For thousands of years, olive trees (Olea europaea) have been grown for their fruit and rich oil. However, olive-pomace oil is best avoided. By fall 1999, olive fruit flies had been captured in seven additional counties including Tulare County, in the San Joaquin Valley, the leading producer of table olives in California. We also use this extra virgin olive oil as a major component in our olive oil pancakes at Society Cafe. Whether you use these scents in essential oil formulas, potpourris or other forms, these natural remedies for pest control do an excellent job and leave your home smelling wonderful. Anonymous. Picking the Right Olive Oil and Dosage. I’ve never seen so many fruit flies in one poor little kitchen.