As time goes on, symptoms often move to your larger joints—knees, ankles, elbows, … Thanks so much for your comment. MRI’s have shown that I have a severe misalignment of C4 on C5 (anterolisthesis) which has caused severe cervical stenosis (narrowing of the canal) and severe bilateral foraminal narrowing, which causes extreme pain; the kind that radiates down my arms and back. I also have a couple big ones on my back which hurt from time to time. The typical case of rheumatoid arthritis begins insidiously, with the slow development of signs and symptoms over weeks to months. I have to cancel appointments and plans with friends constantly. It is in my report from the surgery.” Apparently, I have nodule in my hand between 1st 2 fingers, which is irritating the tendons and nerves in my hand. I frequently have trouble swallowing…I can’t drink any kind of alcohol anymore, it makes it so much worse. I take my biologic and Plaquenil and I am a Christian so I ask for help daily to get through each day. Yes and it works well. we have no immune systems – I am a germaphobe these days and avoid tight spaces and large crowds – carry hand sanitizer everywhere because I like to hug and shake hands with people I see in church but if not careful I will get sick. And….. I had a pulse of 110 at rest, was short of breath (cough had finally disappeared), seemed to be having continual hot flashes worse than anything I ever had before and could hardly function. Reidette, The Plaquinel does help keep the rashes to somewhat minimum so I look normal sometimes. Emotionally this whole event has drained me and my family and friends have noticed it and they see through the smile and laugh out on to try not to be a downer. This can be an early sign of RA. We are so sorry to hear about your daily discomfort. I was finally diagnosed with IST (Intermittant sinus tachycardia, controlled for now with medications, but may need a cardiac ablation and pacemaker in the future), RA nodules in my lung, (just being observed) Hot flashes were the result of adrenal gland “microbursts” probably from being on prednisone (and oddly enough, the cardiac meds helped calm them down!) My dermatologist gave me something to help with my scalp it helps sometimes but not all the time. I get ocular migraines and have had a blood clot in my eye. This type of stiffness usually affects a person after they have been still for a long time. What … use a cpac now for apnea – aparently i stop breathing 10-15 times an hour – I was 65 pounds overweight from steroids. I think that has been harder for me than anything. Don’t just stop without talking to doc – some of these meds have horrible withdrawl if you do not do it correctly. just got to keep getting out there and being no matter what – when you give up so will your body. You may always comment below the artcile like you did here, so the author can see your comments and possibly offer some support. I have horrible days still but this medication has really helped me for most days, it is also wonderful for clarity and that wonderful brain fog we go through. I also get bursitis and I have white areas on my skin. But I am afraid to just chalk stuff up to my RA for fear of it being caused by other things…..I feel like a big sissy sometimes! But….I am thankful every single day for my mobility and my excellent team of physicians. Of course there is the usual joint destruction, dry eyes and exhaustion, to add to the misery. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Im 64 now and feel much older. I was exhausted. The unusual and the frustrating is my usual. Certainly the most unexpected symptom of rheumatoid arthritis that you can find but I thought maybe my toe was playing up because I was sprawling on it a lot. Dr. Rude looked at me like I was crazy and brushed me aside?! 1cud8qg, have a very high pain day and he just doesn’t get it. Numbness and tingling affecting the hands and feet may be an early sign of RA. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, another debilitating disease that produces similar symptoms, is also common in patients with Psoriatic Arthritis. Ugh! © 2013–20 Health Union, LLC. X. I feel for you. This information is not designed to replace a physician’s independent judgment about the appropriateness or risks of a procedure for a given patient. RA usually starts in your hands. My knees have been drained and injected as has my shoulder. This article looks at finding excellent doctors: Common triggers for a flare include stress, smoking, and…, Rheumatoid arthritis or RA, can affect the ankle joints in the same way as other joints, causing pain, inflammation, and swelling. they sound like paper crumbling. When I found a new rheumy and discussed it like it should have been the first time and it only happened a couple of times. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. I was Diagnosed 3yrs ago telling me i have a Autoimmune Disease called Sjogrene Syndrome with secondary RA. Best Wishes, I just got dgiagnosed and have had RA since 2009. I have nodules in every finger and big ones on my feet – they suck big time and hurt all the time. so annoying. There’s more new and weord symptoms everyday but Im going to the neurologist upon my rheumatologist request. it breaks my heart because it was my passion in life. Probably starting with your current doctor and possibly other specialists. If you feel you are not getting the care you need you are always entitled to a second opinion. me too Julie – two years ago inflammation caused 3 back to back heart attacks. Well, how about “nodules” in your tendons and muscles? By the end of Feb. They know something’s wrong and hate it for me. Good luck. So until I see the neurologist and since that day three weeks ago I have not had my next dosage of humira instructed by my rheumatologist he’s doig process of elimination. When accompanied by other symptoms like joint pain and inflammation, a low-grade fever may be an early warning sign that you have RA. Some days it is very difficult to even walk. unusual symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 🔥+ unusual symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 13 Dec 2020 Gonococcal arthritis may occur in female adolescents, may involve more than one joint, and the … he was taking all the drugs and seeing a top Rheumy and felt like I did – frustrated – he was always an athlete, a runner and a pro golfer. he just played 19 holes of golf so he is too tired. Hope everyone can relate to this . The saving grace is that I do not have to use the wheel chair. Celebrex had been so effective in keeping me on the job. I just didn’t know. unusual symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 🔥+ unusual symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 09 Dec 2020 Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that involves both the underlying tissue and the underlying … I found success with intravenous orencia once a month but it took about six months to really feel better. In addition to the stiffness that affects specific joints, a general feeling of stiffness in the body may be an early sign of RA. Have you had a specialist evaluate your swallow? Have been with a rheumatologist for 9 months have tried multiple medications, the newest being actemra but still no diagnosis. My dr just looked at me like I was crazy and said he didn’t know…he’d never been thumped or hit in the throat. I miss my job. I knew then I was done with him! The most common affected areas on … They may be present at one time then absent at another, and how they progress is different for each person. Its a trial an error trying to find the right medication that works. However, a true fever (temperature is above 100.4 F or 38 C) is not expected … He got pissed on day when he got on the scale and was up 40 pounds from the meds and said screw it – flushed his meds – cold turkey on prednisone–yikes – he got a new pair of highly padded running shoes and started slowing running again and working with a personal trainer he knew in exchange for free golf lessons. Almost every night before I can get to sleep! Its a BITCH.. I had been on many of the other biologics before going back to Enbrel. Wishing you some answers and relief ahead. Persistent stiffness, tenderness, and pain in joints … Here is an article that discusses the sleep problem & has some tips at the end for a better nights rest. People who have RA will have some periods where they experience no symptoms and other times when the symptoms flare up. I received a scholarship for my voice and singing ability in college. Glad that you are maintaining close communication with your doctor about your symptoms and treatment plan. How does rheumatoid arthritis affect the ankles? What about you? I am having a terrible time with balance issues and getting myself moving I can walk easily if I use a walker, and I even can walk a mile. I go back and forth between constipation and diarrhea. What frustrating or unusual symptoms do you experience from your rheumatoid arthritis? I’ve always enjoyed keeping our home clean and loved cooking. Best Wishes, Joint stiffness that is usually worse in the mornings and after inactivity 3. could be but definitely get it checked – I have the same thing with the left side of my neck and get up slowly these days so BP doesn’t crash and I get dizzy – we RD chaps need to not be falling down. I have had tendinitis of the elbow for months now, it is very painful to lift anything over 5 lb. I take Cymbalta and Wellbutrin for depression, plaquanil, and Opana ER for pain. Please reach out anytime, we’re here to support you. Stiffness. Finally it was so agonising that I almost stopped eating. Since being diagnosed, I’ve also been diagnosed with Glaucoma, Eczema and increased incidences of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Inflammation in the joints may give them a red appearance. a high blood pressure med that keeps the blood vessels open has solved the issue for now but still deal with shortness of breath. However, … While this symmetry is typical, it is not the case for everyone with the condition. Im so thankful for finding this website. Spotting signs of RA early could lead to an early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Anyone else have a problem with this? All rights reserved. I too hate the disease. I hope that others here chime in to share with you their experiences. I am using Lidocane patches for my hands. It didn’t concern me too much. they just won’t heal and when they finally let up there is still a lump under my skin and a lovely scar. Discoloration of the skin around the joints in the hands and feet is a sign of RA. I have had major flares going on and that lump sensation took forever to go away! It can be quite serious if the spinal cord becomes compressed. Apart from that, RA has destroyed my thyroid, caused apical thickening on the top of my lungs along with a few nodules and also a dry annoying cough. Theyre not open, but a knot sits directly in the middle and is slightly elevated. I got very nauseous with sulfasalizine so I asked my Dr if they made it enteric coated? Mary Sophia, Has your dr. When someone is feeling feverish and fatigued, they may lose their appetite, which can cause them to lose weight. Findings from a patient's physical examination, medical history, laboratory tests, and imaging studies must all be considered. It’s nice to know I’m not crazy or alone. I can identify completely! so many things on this list apply that is is scary somedays. Rheumatoid arthritis is complicated. That is great that you have been approved for SSDI. I had a tooth ache that was becoming very painful. When my Ankylosing Spondylitis diagnosis came the limitation of decreased renal performance meant that an important class of meds were restricted for me; yes, NSAIDs. Virtual hugs, And I’m a Below the knee amputees on my left leg. I have foot pain daily and I also could not take methotrexate. Discuss this with your rheumatologist. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common problem that affects at least 1.5 million Americans. 🔥+ unusual symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 22 Nov 2020 You have a high fever, belly pain and achy joints. It just started about 2 months ago! I like his caring, and dislike telling him that it hurts. RA in the ankles is…, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic condition. I have a bunch of the symptoms you described. I pray that one day there will be a cure for RA! Between the two diseases I have right heart failure, an enlarged heart, pericardial effusion, joint pain of which costocondritis is the most difficult to manage. Eye Problems. I was so afraid. do not eat late at night or lay flat after eating – ever see those angled pillows I caught a cold in Jan ’11 that developed into bronchitis and went downhill quick…I had been on Enbrel and MTX and it seemed that I was always getting sick. Still, sometimes are just worse than … They may have a slightly raised temperature, which is an early sign that sometimes accompanies fatigue. I also have a lot of the “unusual and frustrating” symptoms described. My skin becomes blackened in different areas, which looks like bruising I have skin nodules I get bruising and bleeding under my skin when I’m flaring I have nodules in my feet that … The only way to avert a full blown attack is to start a round of 50 mg of prednisolone for the next few days and the taper off back to my normal 7.5 mg over 20 days. to this day I still get it and it seems to be getting worse along with jaw pain, extreme eye pain, elbow pain, Raynaud’s disease, history of fainting and dizziness, chest pains ( heart is healthiest one Drs have seen btw ) over sensitive skin fits to the point where my scalp and skin will feel like there are on fire. I normally go to bed around 2 or 3am which i took my sleep aid 3hrs b4 it. Thanks so much for your comment, we are glad you are here. Thank you for opening up and sharing your story with us. Early and consistent management of arthritis can prevent joint damage and, ultimately, disability. RA and cardiovascular disease: I have to force myself to eat. As the disease progresses, damage to the joints can affect ligaments and tendons, making it hard to bend and straighten them. Due to me ignoring the symptoms I had developed Barett’s Oesophagus, which can turn cancerous. I am so sorry to hear about everything you have been dealing with over the past several years. Always consult your doctor about your medical conditions. These nodules are a visual characteristic that people often associate with the condition. Need help? the stores are mobbed and I cannot do all the walking that shopping requires and then stand in line forever and then have to walk to the back of the lot to load up and then come home and unload. I’m running out of ideas…, Thanks for commenting “RHPass”. The symptoms that affect a person’s joints are more likely to indicate RA, particularly if more than one joint or both sides of the body are affected. This VILE disease just makes life horrible! Remember that no one will look out for you like you. A doctor can help to diagnose the condition and recommend appropriate treatment. Best, Kelly, Team Member, Only thing missing is an overly productive cough. Even when my pain and stiffness was at its worst. Lauren (Community Manager Of course I also take my biologic. It can cause severe joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and an inability to function normally. Sometimes only one leg, but lots of times it’s both! I do know how it feels to have all the systems of RA, I have fibro so naturally my breast bone is going to hurt so bad at times, along with several other auto inmune diseases.. I am normal temp for the first time in 8 years. It’s rare, but RA can cause inflammation in the white part of your eye, called the … You are certainly not alone in the RA symptoms you described. Please reach out anytime, we are happy you are part of the community. All I can say is “wow”, I read the long list and said to myself,” I suffer from almost all of these unusual symptoms”. Freaky, unusual symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Last medically reviewed on January 8, 2020, Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a type of arthritis more likely to affect people with psoriasis. Fatigue, fever and loss of appetiteEarly rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect your smaller joints first — particularly the joints that attach your fingers to your hands and your toes to your feet.As the disease progresses, symptoms often spread to the wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, hips and shoulders. Recently my neck is making very loud popping/grinding noises when I turn my head. maybe try a different med. I wish I could go play golf. I am a Christian and love Jesus with all my heart but I don’t know how to pray about this. I have the crippling now.. It concerns me when I see people writing about shortness of breath and fatigue along with chest pain. Fatigue and insomnia steal away what little energy I have. Those of us who have rheumatoid arthritis tend to be quite familiar with the standard laundry list of symptoms associated with this condition, like pain, joint swelling, and fatigue. The main symptoms of RA are joint pain and stiffness. RA sets in motion many unpredictable symptoms that create a unique disease pattern in each patient Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, Finding the Path With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Joint tenderness that affects the hands and feet is a typical early sign of RA. One hr I’m not to bad then the nx hr I can be so poorly again. In addition to joint deformities and rheumatoid nodules, RA can also lead to: Doctors do not know what triggers the immune system to attack the joints in the bodies of people with RA. When rheumatoid arthritis first starts, symptoms often affect the smaller joints, like the joints in your hands and feet. Can’t use Enbrel because of my lungs. It drives me crazy. I tried to explain to my dr that it feels like someone has thumped me in the throat. I have always had trouble falling asleep Its really bad now. I am always relieved to know I am not alone in my crazy weird symptoms! Neither could see anything where the pain was happening. He has been dealing with it for half his life – he is 56 now and still off meds. No more nausea and foot pain better. You may be interested in our sister-site I wanted to leave you with an article called “Stressing About Stress.” I think it will reassure you that taking a break from work and its inevitable stresses is a very health decision:, Warm regards, Please know that you aren’t alone in this battle and we are always here to listen and support you! I was sent to pain management, and well you know how that goes. Tender, warm, swollen joints 2. mt dad is pushing me to go grocery shopping on the worse day of the year almost and is annoyed I haven’t done it yet today. I have had chronic pain in my neck (cervical spine) for a number of years. Keep strong and stay positive. These symptoms are caused by inflammation in the joints that can cause nerve compression, resulting in loss of sensation. Keep positive . from inflammation I was always running a slight to full blown fever but thank god for Acterma – it has sed rate now at 5 – 8 – if it wasn’t for fibro and all the damage it has already done to my joints I would probably not be in pain. 1 or 2 at a time, mostly on my thigh area and now am getting a couple on my upper back. RA and Lung disease: Well, fast forward to a month ago and for the first time in years it was back! What do the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis look like? In 2011 I was still working full time as an RN in the hospital special care nursery. While sleep and RA are a common question, some community members find these 2 articles hepful. Hi, I have not been diagnosed with RA but feel that is what I have. Use of the site is conditional upon your acceptance of our terms of use. They may also feel depressed. Swelling – Since my RA affects every joint in my body, I pretty much feel swollen all the time. It can come on slowly but may last for several days. does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. In people with RA, the immune system mistakenly attacks the cells in the lining of their joint, resulting in inflammation of the joints, making them swollen, stiff, and painful. These include: A person experiencing the early signs and symptoms of RA should go to see a doctor. Then all of a sudden I started having symptoms of RA. also a really good probiotic is important as well- helps body rid itself of candida and deal with inflammation from gluten and sugars etc. Yesterday I sat up quickly to get out of bed and immediately the room was spinning and I fell back onto the bed hard.So all day yesterday and today when I turn my head to either side I experience the same thing–everything is spinning.I also feel unsteady on my feet , have a dull headache at the base of my skull and and am a little nauseated. Could this be RA affecting my neck? Another early sign of RA is joint stiffness. I also have psoriasis and fibromyalgia, forgetfulness, dry eyes and depression. Once, the pain was so bad it felt as if I’d been impaled. Some have gotten a bit better using Acterma injections weekly but a lot of it just won’t In addition one of my frustrating ones is I have been getting sores. And I’m so unorganized now. I miss working, and my work friends, but I keep busy at home. I am currently being worked up for gastrointestinal issues and found cysts on my spleen and pancreas. I get a Symponi Aria infusion every 8 weeks, give myself an injection of methotrexate once a week. When my GP noticed that I was losing weight and asked me what was happening and told him about the awful heartburn and reflux, he sent e for a gastroscopy. I donated a kidney to my brother two decades before I had a clue that I have RA. So i trade pain and swelling for burning in my throat and i can’t lay down because the gastric juice gurgles up into my mouth. Living with these symptoms every day can be quite frustrating. And even though I take all this medicine I’m still in pain and tired every day. Usually I just ignore it or just ask him to rub in a different place. My eyes and head are still in excruciating pain and they aren’t conected to one another and migrain medication or 800 my of ibuprofen aren’t my head pain. Spotting these warning signs can help people seek treatment at the earliest possible opportunity. Sometimes I have so many of these symptoms that I sometimes wonder if I am crazy. Also with this – unsteady on my feet, foot pain, easily sprained or strained joints, and pins & needles in my feet and hands. What are the early signs of this condition? Join the conversation! I don’t want to alarm you and am only mentioning this because if I had dealt with the problem when it started, I wouldn’t have a condition which is irreversible and that can be fatal. This disease has strange effects that we don’t understand for many years… if ever. Maybe I am just impatient but my life has totally changed, cannot do anything that I used to, hate cancelling things all the time and miss my life. mostly affects his hands and feet when flaring. I went back to my Internist, my hemoglobin had dropped drastically in a month with no obvious sign of bleeding.Saw more specialists and had more tests that last week of rule out any source of bleeding, everything was negative. It feels at times like my fingers are going to fall off my bones. By providing your email address, you are agreeing to our privacy policy. In addition to getting some community feedback, I thought these articles would be helpful: See a pulmonologist ASAP. I went to several RA doctors and finally found one that diagnosed me with RA. “How to Get a Good Night’s Rest” as well as “6 tips for better sleep” I’m 62 and was dx with RA 16 yrs ago. We now have a pretty good idea why I am having excruciating hip pain and pain lower down in my back below the surgery area. I’m allergic all the dmards and rituxan. Joints that look swollen in the hands and feet is a typical sign of RA. On different meds now so hopefully this will help me. Hi Melissa, However, I don’t let that stop me, I am an author, a grazier and an artist. How can anyone be happy with all of this going on. Within a few hours of this, one or more joints begin to swell and become red, excruciatingly painful and red. I too worked in school system and loved my job. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.Osteoarthritis causes cartilage — the hard, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they form a joint — to break down. Tingly/itchy feet, ankles and lower legs. inflammation in other areas of the body, including the eyes, heart, and lungs. Wish they could help me more and find me the right answers. But laxatives, even in small doses, cause cramping and diarrhea. Currently, there is no cure for RA, but proper treatment and moderate exercise may help reduce flares. A third early warning sign of RA is unexplained weight loss, which is possibly an indirect effect of inflammation. I never knew they were related to rheumatoid arthritis ! Wow kojo, you definitely have so much going on. I had all the symptoms… Besides being in a flare, I had all the symptoms right down to the lump sensation and no voice!! I had the same symptoms for a couple of years and ignored them. However, a fever higher than 100°F (38°C) is more … I developed Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) five years after my diagnosis. I hope you will begin to feel better soon! A mildly elevated temperature is not unusual in a person with active inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis. Blessings to you all! I just came from appointment with my orthopedic for hand pain. My knees and feet are shot, orthodics do nothing to help. It worries me when it does it because I’m afraid that there’s inflammation going on and the swelling may affect my breathing one of these times. Stiffness may occur in one or two small joints, often in the fingers. Please share with us in the comments! 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