In many sub segments of transportation and logistics, it’ about disrupting or being disrupted with data and information at the core. Whether it concerns distributors, end customers, transportation firms, retailers or any part of a supply chain: there is always someone waiting for something. Digital capabilities and information excellence are key to close existing gaps and transform for better customer engagement, new business models and the challenges facing the industry. Asset management is one of many applications where RFID and the IoT have been present since quite some time as part of end-to-end inventory and asset management solutions. As the Allianz Risk Barometer 2016, which we covered previously, indicates, Industry 4.0 is not just seen as an opportunity but also as a challenge, especially from the security perspective. According to the Digital Supply Chain Transformation survey conducted by GT Nexus, 39% of logistics executives cite the absence of the required technology skills and expertise — on-site and throughout the supply chain — as the major barrier to business digitalization. The logistics opportunities created are driving a market transformation from traditional logistics concepts to a new era of digital logistics. We mentioned a few examples of when and where speed and timing are crucial in logistics and beyond. This is not just because of the end customer or various intermediaries, it’s also because of costs, regulatory requirements and increasing competition, to name a few. The digital transformation of logistics is in its infancy and offers a host of opportunities for further development. Or as Hugh Burgess, Global Head of Mid-Corporate and Head of Corporate Lines North America, AGCS, put it in the report: ” interconnectivity of risk is growing day-by-day, as technology, globalization and social change create a complex web of relationships and interdependencies with “just-in–time” and “lean” manufacturing now standard practices.”. Data and analytics are key to speed up processes, offer visibility to partners and customers, digitize value chains and, in a context of digital transformation, come up with new business models. The transportation and logistics industry is information-intensive and always has been data-driven. Led by countries such as Australia, India, and South Korea, the market in Asia-Pacific is forecast to reach US$9.7 Billion by the year 2027.We bring years of research experience to this 9th edition of our report. New business models, enabled by digital technologies and focusing on the creation of solutions and value-added services, on top of cost reduction, are driving digital transformations. The longer the waiting times for these parties, the longer it takes overall and the more time, resources, money and sometimes reputation can be wasted when a provider is too late and others need to wait. You can build the profitability of your business activities with the coordinated modules. It offers new opportunities for logistics as this integrative discipline, managing globally-distributed networks, is an enormously promising field for applying digital transformation … So, customer expectations and competitive differentiation require speed and timing, which are drivers of several important changes in transportation and logistics, with speed being a competitive advantage. Logistikunternehmen hinken bei der digitalen Transformation hinterher. Paper is a huge challenge in the optimization of supply chains because it is simply too slow and, as Capgemini reminds, only available locally. Or how we move towards the edge in data analysis (edge computing and fog computing) in a context of the Internet of Things (IoT). Disclaimer |
After all, with each handling, shipping and any other treatment of goods come processes, information flows and interactions. GLOBAL MARKET PERSPECTIVE Table 1: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Global Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2020-2027 Table 2: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Shift across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2020 VS 2027 Table 3: Hardware (Solution) World Market by Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027 Table 4: Hardware (Solution) Market Share Breakdown of Worldwide Sales by Region/Country: 2020 VS 2027 Table 5: Software (Solution) Potential Growth Markets Worldwide in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027 Table 6: Software (Solution) Market Sales Breakdown by Region/Country in Percentage: 2020 VS 2027 Table 7: Services (Solution) Geographic Market Spread Worldwide in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027 Table 8: Services (Solution) Market Share Distribution in Percentage by Region/Country: 2020 VS 2027 Table 9: Cloud Based (Deployment) World Market Estimates and Forecasts by Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027 Table 10: Cloud Based (Deployment) Market Share Breakdown by Region/Country: 2020 VS 2027 Table 11: On-Premise (Deployment) World Market by Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027 Table 12: On-Premise (Deployment) Market Share Distribution in Percentage by Region/Country: 2020 VS 2027 III. Among the many drivers are obviously consumers, users, in other words people, who are expecting more and are increasingly mobile. Just imagine all the processes that one party in the supply chain needs to complete (from the reception of an item to shipping it out in its original shape and form or as part of another item at the end of a manufacturing process). In fact, if you look at those 7 Rs of business logistics you immediately see how the right data at the right time, place etc. In an increasingly real-time economy speed and timing are key. If we look at the period between 2005 and 2012, we see that, according to Olivier Wyman there was an average growth of 7 percent per year (revenues) but profitability (EBIT margin) declined from 6.8 percent to 4. percent in that same period. Den Druck zur digitalen Transformation ist in der Logistik stärker zu spüren als in vielen anderen Branchen. However, the big data and data-driven traditions are not a guarantee for a successful leverage of the new data realities. And we’re talking data from sensors (condition, place,…) as well as data and information in many other areas too here, including insights based upon data analytics or digitized information across the supply chain. Over a quarter of transportation and logistics companies have no digital strategy in place. Digitization (document to process) is a must and also changing the game (even if there is still a lot to do). Systematische Aufarbeitung des Begriffs Logistik 4.0. Top image: Shutterstock – Copyright: TTstudio – All other images are the property of their respective mentioned owners. SECTION 2: INTERNET OF THINGS AND CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS IN SCM. We also mentioned how real-time economy evolutions affect organizations in another article. Last but not least, as we are talking about business assets, both the goods and the data, security (digital and physical) is also high on the agenda with an increasing use of technologies in the space of authentication, biometrics and asset tracking, one of the main applications in the Internet of Things. After all, the 7Rs of business logistics go back a long time: the right product/item in the right quantity to the right customer in the right condition at the right place, right time and right cost, right? DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. As in lots of real-life scenarios in a connected and globalized world, there are many parties involved to get an item from where it is manufactured to its end destination. Or as Gartner’s Peter Sondergaard said in the previously mentioned article on how digital business means big change for supply chains, “the focus is on how the supply chain can consume and leverage data, integrate sensors and other elements of the Internet of Things (IoT) and software for customer segmentation and marketing automation”. This brings us to the transportation and logistics industry where information management, data, analytics, visibility and king customer all play a key role. According to 2016 transportation and logistics research by PwC “only 10 percent of transportation and logistics companies rate the maturity of their data analytics capabilities as advanced”. It’s the famous ‘spill-over effect’. Digital transformation in logistics and transportation can help the companies in the sector to stay competitive in their ever expanding market and solve a wide range of day-to-day problems. Elements of Digital Logistics Transformation. MARKET ANALYSISGEOGRAPHIC MARKET ANALYSIS UNITED STATES Market Facts & Figures US Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share: (in %) by Company: 2019 & 2025 Market Analytics Table 13: United States Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Solution: 2020 to 2027 Table 14: United States Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 15: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in US$ Million in the United States by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 16: United States Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 CANADA Table 17: Canadian Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Million by Solution: 2020 to 2027 Table 18: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in Canada: Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Solution for 2020 and 2027 Table 19: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Analysis in Canada in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 20: Canadian Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 JAPAN Table 21: Japanese Market for Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics: Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Solution for the Period 2020-2027 Table 22: Japanese Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Analysis by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 23: Japanese Medium & Long-Term Outlook for Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 24: Japanese Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Percentage Share Distribution by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 CHINA Table 25: Chinese Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Growth Prospects in US$ Million by Solution for the Period 2020-2027 Table 26: Chinese Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market by Solution: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2020 and 2027 Table 27: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Forecasts in China in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 28: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in China: Percentage Share Analysis by Deployment for 2020 and 2027 EUROPE Market Facts & Figures European Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market: Competitor Market Share Scenario (in %) for 2019 & 2025 Market Analytics Table 29: European Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Demand Scenario in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2018-2025 Table 30: European Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Shift by Region/Country: 2020 VS 2027 Table 31: European Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Million by Solution: 2020-2027 Table 32: European Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 33: European Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Assessment in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 34: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in Europe: Percentage Breakdown of Sales by Deployment for 2020 and 2027 FRANCE Table 35: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in France by Solution: Estimates and Projections in US$ Million for the Period 2020-2027 Table 36: French Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Analysis by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 37: French Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 38: French Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 GERMANY Table 39: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in Germany: Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis in US$ Million by Solution for the Period 2020-2027 Table 40: German Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 41: German Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Latent Demand Forecasts in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 42: German Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 ITALY Table 43: Italian Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Growth Prospects in US$ Million by Solution for the Period 2020-2027 Table 44: Italian Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market by Solution: Percentage Breakdown of Sales for 2020 and 2027 Table 45: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Forecasts in Italy in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 46: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in Italy: Percentage Share Analysis by Deployment for 2020 and 2027 UNITED KINGDOM Table 47: United Kingdom Market for Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics: Annual Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Solution for the Period 2020-2027 Table 48: United Kingdom Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Analysis by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 49: United Kingdom Medium & Long-Term Outlook for Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 50: United Kingdom Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Percentage Share Distribution by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 REST OF EUROPE Table 51: Rest of Europe Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Million by Solution: 2020-2027 Table 52: Rest of Europe Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 53: Rest of Europe Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Assessment in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 54: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in Rest of Europe: Percentage Breakdown of Sales by Deployment for 2020 and 2027 ASIA-PACIFIC Table 55: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in Asia-Pacific by Solution: Estimates and Projections in US$ Million for the Period 2020-2027 Table 56: Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Analysis by Solution: 2020 VS 2027 Table 57: Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 58: Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Historic Market Analysis in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 REST OF WORLD Table 59: Rest of World Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$ Million by Solution: 2020 to 2027 Table 60: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market in Rest of World: Percentage Share Breakdown of Sales by Solution for 2020 and 2027 Table 61: Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Analysis in Rest of World in US$ Million by Deployment: 2020-2027 Table 62: Rest of World Digital Transformation Spending in Logistics Market Share Breakdown by Deployment: 2020 VS 2027 IV. Businesses don’t want data. Die digitale Transformation der Wertschöpfungskette. When used well, speed is a competitive advantage. The margins in transportation and logistics are under pressure. Though we also increasingly see it as a reality. plays a key role. We also mentioned how real-time economyevolutions affect org… Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 7.5% CAGR. In this overview we take a look at the main challenges regarding digitization and digital transformation in (goods) transportation and logistics (T&L) and, inevitably, the digital supply chain. MARKET TRENDS & DRIVERS 4. All rights reserved. Hardware, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record a 10.3% CAGR and reach US$44.9 Billion by the end of the analysis period. Moreover, certainly in a context of complex supply chains with a lot of intermediaries and processes, documents get lost, damaged or corrupted in several ways. Efficiency, optimization, speed and timing have always been crucial in logistics and transportation. In his seminal work, Logistics in the National Defense, Henry Eccles writes: “Logistics is the bridge between our national economy and the actual operations of our combat forces in the field.” It’s a pithy description that gets to the heart of the matter, stimulating thinking. since quite some time. Volkan Ünal, Mine Ömürgönülşen, Sedat Belbag, and Mehmet Soysal Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.__________________________, Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our,, Dating app Bumble files confidentially for IPO, could seek up to $8 billion valuation, report says », Former US cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs warned not to 'conflate' voting system security with SolarWinds hack despite Trump's claim ». Business interruption, including supply chain disruption, is perceived as the number one global business risk. Improving connectivity across the full chain, the possibility to better predict and forecast, several regulatory challenges, newer technologies such as drones and 3D printing, changes in logistics patterns and scenarios as depicted in the graphic from PwC below, challenges regarding resources (people, management but also energy, for example), integration of value chains, the list is long. COMPETITIONTotal Companies Profiled: 46Read the full report: ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. We’ve tackled how speed often is a key differentiator in today’s ‘digital business‘ context before. It’s clear that supply chains are crucial for all businesses and the global economy as such. According to Capgemini Consulting most organizations today still operate on hybrid supply chain models. The change is occurring over vast areas and is nearly impossible to track. Obviously these delays don’t necessarily have an impact on the end destination. These regional markets accounting for a combined market size of US$7.9 Billion in the year 2020 will reach a projected size of US$13.3 Billion by the close of the analysis period. In the end many of these examples are essential reasons why, as businesses, we’re so fond of big data and in this context certainly fast data and data analytics, delivered by unleashing artificial intelligence and cognitive computing on sets of data which we need to time so many things right and even in a predictive way as we do with predictive analytics. Es erläutert die technologischen Grundlagen und stellt die Bezüge zu verwandten Begriffen wie „Industrie 4.0“ und „Internet der Dinge“ her. The combination of sensors, connected devices, big data (analytics) and mobile/cloud/connectivity technologies is adding additional possibilities to asset tracking and management. If you look at the many digitization challenges, from paper-based proof of delivery (POD) documents to a lack of visibility, you know there is still a lot to do. Die Digitalisierung entwickelt sich rasant und insbesondere für die Logistik ergeben sich hierdurch neue Möglichkeiten. Grundlage ist Predictive Analytics auf Basis historischer Daten. Approximately 20 percent of digital transformation costs will be allocated directly to supply chain transformation. Most of them revolve around location, connection of devices (Internet of Things), big data analytics, cognitive computing and obviously the platforms where data are captured, processed and leveraged/accessed such as mobile platforms, information capture and processing platforms but also the networks and data environments such as the cloud. A leading logistics player wanted to increase the profit with a digitally transformed business ecosystem. Stock quotes by T&M Company Limited spends more than VND1 billion annually to operate an integrated digital transformation … And that’s not just about digital technologies as challenges, ‘protectors’ (security), enablers and accelerators, based upon mobile, cloud, big data and the Internet of Things. Here are a few examples of other areas where they are real game changers. Instead of simple Request For Quote software, these companies implement fully networked online solutions. According to a new study by Lux Research, the transportation and logistics industry requires digital transformation tools to expedite and personalize delivery, while reducing emissions. Im Digital Hub Logistics begleiten und beraten wir Digitalteams mittelständischer Unternehmen beim Aufbau von digitalem Business. It comes with risks (including fraud), a lack of visibility (what we need in supply chains today) and inefficient processes and suboptimal resource allocation to name a few. First things first: digital business transformation is happening in supply chains. This is less than in other sector, PwC states (source: “Industry 4.0: Building the Digital Enterprise – Transportation and logistics key findings”). The picture is clear. It’s obvious that cybersecurity and security in general are key in supply chains and several technologies are being increasingly adopted to minimize risks and pro-actively turn Industry 4.0 challenges into opportunities. The good news about the transportation sector is … When opening the Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference 2015, Gartner’s Peter Sondergaard stated that, we quote, “in leading organizations, one quarter of enterprise costs will be devoted to the digital transformation.” Of these investments approximately 20 percent will be allocated directly to supply chain transformation, Sondergaard added. A majority of executives also feels that the move to a real-time economy affects their organizational structure and business strategy. However, recognizing the important role of digital transformation, since 2018 logistics companies have been applying more advanced software, reducing operating costs, attracting more customers and maximizing profit. Digital transformation in logistics use case. The connectivity of processes, people and how it is used. In today’s digital business reality most good old rules of logistics and supply chain management still are valid but the stakes are higher than ever. It works in two ways and several players already started moving beyond their core business. The focus on the customer or as Forrester calls it, the customer-obsessed operating model, is felt everywhere. Digitization is still a big challenge in transportation and logistics and there is ample room to optimize processes and capture information close to the source or point of ‘action/origination’ to speed up processes and enhance transparency while increasing agility (remember the need for speed). Digital business requires digital supply chains. The emerging Internet of Logistics (IoL) may change that. The 144-page report presents concise insights into how the pandemic has impacted production and the buy side for 2020 and 2021. The focus shifts from the data to the outcomes and transformations. Das Buch bietet eine Orientierung in der Begriffswelt von Logistik 4.0. Using new technology will alter your strategic, commercial and operational processes. To logistics, what does digital transforma-tion look like? There are ample examples of how the Internet of Things is revolutionizing the logistics and transportation space. Competitors identified in this market include, among others, Read the full report: The technologies are different, depending on the exact ‘activity’ (packaging is not the same as actual transportation or border procedure management, to name a few) but they all have one element in common: the focus is mainly on data and information. Logistics involves endless movement. Real-time economy might be a bit of a misnomer as real-time first describes a capacity. Among the five key digital transformation technologies in logistics are e-AWB, cloud logistics, big data, blockchain and IoT. Die Logistik wird zunehmend bestimmt durch Konnektivität sowie neue Mobilitätskonzepte. Digital transformation is the process of reshaping products, services, and entire business models by adopting digital technologies. Impact on our automated advances to change all your business measures. The digital transformation of logistics: Threat and opportunity Digitalization threatens to fundamentally disrupt logistics but could also help the industry reduce its inefficiencies and shrink its environmental impact. With the lines between digital and physical blurring, few industries are so hyper-connected on all levels than those who are active in supply chains. © 2020 Insider Inc. and GmbH (Imprint). Digitisation is effecting radical changes in the transport & logistics sector. A short-term phased recovery by key geography is also addressed. „Mit den Digitalen Hubs sorgen wir dafür, dass in den deutschen Leitindustrien, zu denen die Logistik gehört, die digitale Transformation nicht nur gelingt, sondern sie gestaltet und vorangebracht wird“, sagt Rohleder.