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�O����Ui�{�K�`:'o}�m� ��Í)§ց~V���hG |\��9D�8��V~8g The ILO Decent Work Agenda (DWA) is implemented at the country level through Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) that have been established as the main vehicle for delivery of ILO support to Member States. Established in 1919 by the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of theLeague of Nations. Explain how ILO DWA drives Sustainable . 0000025829 00000 n
An introduction of ILO 2. The ILO Decent Work Agenda (DWA) is implemented at the country level through Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) that have been established as the main vehicle for delivery of ILO support to Member States. 0000029312 00000 n
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indigenous and tribal peoples in the context of climate change, and the role of the Decent Work Agenda in empowering people and communities, combating climate change, spurring green growth and The Organization provides support in the form of integrated decent work programmes developed at country level with ILO′s constituents. 0000031168 00000 n
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The ILO Decent Work Agenda is the balanced and integrated programmatic approach to pursue the objectives of full and productive employment and decent work for all at global, regional, national, sectoral and local levels. 0000051304 00000 n
0000013010 00000 n
ILO, decent work agenda and key issues facing young people . Request PDF | Decent Work Agenda and ILO | The chapter is insightful as it traces the origins of decent work concept. International Labour Office Monitoring and assessing progress on decent work Lessons learned from the MAP project Manual European Union The manual responds to the request of ILO constituents that endorsed the Decent Work Agenda and developed or are in the process of developing – decent work strategies and programmes, to have a clear ILO Agenda for youth employment . startxref
tion in realising the Decent Work Agenda, within the framework of the ILO’s strategy on South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) adopted in 2012 by its Governing Body. 0000052603 00000 n
While a variety of definitions now exist, the term generally refers to work that provides (ILO, 2018b): Migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: a briefing series 0000060591 00000 n
The ILC and ILO GB review on regular basis various themes related to a number of targets associated with the ILO mandate. d o c)
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stream The concept of ‘decent work’ has been gaining considerable traction in recent years. D. evelopment. 0000006630 00000 n
Decent work and the Sustainable Development Goals Decent work is an important component of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The chapter provides ILO’s perspective on the agenda of decent work. 0000004097 00000 n
An introduction of ILO 2. It was a strategic positioning of the ILO alongside the Bretton Woods institutions(BWI), designed to promote stronger co-operation between the three institutions, and establish the ILO’s role as a key ‘player’ on the With decent work now included as a specific goal within the SDGs (SDG 8), a considerable number of donors have started to recognise that supporting the Decent Work Agenda is a growing priority for development assistance. According to the conclusions of the meeting, “the current consultations on the Post-2015 development agenda are crucial and need the full engagement of the social partners and the ILO”. The International Labor Organization (ILO) Decent Work Agenda consists of four elements; employment, rights, protection and social dialogue. Thus Decent Work Agenda adopted by ILO remains as a standard accepted worldwide in this standardization process of decent work apart from other measures such as Conventions and Recommendations of ILO. 103 111
Senior Specialist on Workers’ Activities . How DGS . g+20 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a United Nations agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice through setting international labour standards. 0000019642 00000 n
The agenda proposes to focus the ILO’s (1999) work around four strategic objectives or pillars: (a) rights at work, (b) fostering employment, … 0000040514 00000 n
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Since its founding in 1919, the organization has made an effort to create a social framework for … Decent Work: The ILO Agenda 39 In keeping with its charter, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has the mission of improving the work and living conditions of individuals. ILO’s Decent Work agenda in poverty reduction. Several countries have returned to, or maintained, growth, since the 2008 fi nancial crisis. 0000025554 00000 n
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Work Agenda both conceptually and operationally in its global programme and in Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs). The chapter provides ILO’s perspective on the agenda of decent work. 0000019413 00000 n
The publication gives practical examples of successful South-South experiences in the world of work that can be useful for govern- It is the main thing that we have to focus on in terms of [improving] job quality,” Mr Sophorn said. 0000035185 00000 n
It builds on knowledge generated in the context of the European Union-funded Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families (2013–2016). %PDF-1.3
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/Title (�� i i r a 2 0 0 9 0 0 4 7 9 . It builds on knowledge generated in the context of the European Union-funded Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families (2013–2016). 0000059448 00000 n
– Geneva: ILO, 2016. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has a growing portfolio providing technical assistance and advice to governments on protecting domestic workers. 0
“Under the Decent Work Goal, we must set targets for employment, a social protection floor, fundamental rights at work and social dialogue”. 0000006488 00000 n
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Decent work is a term originally coined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in a report published in June 1999, when it described the goal of decent work as ‘not just the creation of jobs, but also the creation of jobs of acceptable quality’. x^�\ێ�
����z0Iv�l 0��}N���������"eUu�b���7�")Jv�_�%���KޮK�g����/o/���tM�ry������^��~]���o/�Zr�M~��%���߭�6=��o�������\_�����m^�mҾ�:�C��ɥ�����іc��c��뙬]��>��_/o����4����l�r=��|LM}f&L�P?�P�o�.��ݮe�|�ף\~��˯j�� The report “Achieving decent work for migrant domestic workers: Moving the agenda forward” is part of a broader ILO strategy to promote decent work for all domestic workers. tion in realising the Decent Work Agenda, within the framework of the ILO’s strategy on South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) adopted in 2012 by its Governing Body. 0000045247 00000 n
The importance of decent work in achieving susainable development is highlighted by Goal 8 which aims to “promote susained, inclusive and susainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”. International Labour Office (ILO) conceptualised decent work in 1999. Agenda 2030 places decent work for all, and the ILO’s mandate and purpose of social justice, at the heart of policies for sustainable and inclusive growth and development. “Decent Work for All” is therefore the principle that guides the ILO’s work. The Agenda was … 0000048649 00000 n
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Ultimately decent work underpins peace and security in communities and societies. The agenda proposes to focus the ILO’s (1999 ) work around four strategic objectives or pillars: (a) rights at work, (b) fostering employment, (c) social protection, and (d) social dialogue. 0000060459 00000 n
Version 1 of this guidebook was prepared in 2005, which was early in the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) adoption of the Decent Work Country Programme approach. Contents of the presentation 1. 0000005962 00000 n
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Decent work is a term originally coined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in a report published in June 1999, when it described the goal of decent work as ‘not just the creation of jobs, but also the creation of jobs of acceptable quality’. But too often this has been jobless growth. 0000006010 00000 n
As the cover to 0000006535 00000 n
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How DWA connects to other SDGS other than Goals 5 and 8. 0000061062 00000 n
Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is the first and oldest specialised agency of the UN.The ILO has 187 member states: 186 out of 193 UN member states plus the Cook Islands. It made it clear that the level of employment (quantity) cannot be divorced from its quality. implementation of the ILO Decent Work Agenda. 0000006297 00000 n
The Agenda was … 0000042821 00000 n
This paper will discuss the development and progress of these goals in the African country of Kenya. 0000059590 00000 n
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Twenty years ago, the International Labour Organization (ILO) launched a new strategy, the Decent Work Agenda, to ensure human-oriented development in the globalization of working life and to provide an effective response to the challenges of globalization. 0000052365 00000 n
- Geneva: ILO, 2008 iii, 61 p. ISBN: 9789221216414; 9789221216421 (web pdf) Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Measurement of Decent Work; (Geneva, Switzerland; 2008); International Labour Office ILO, decent work agenda and key issues facing young people . 0000044068 00000 n
0000055196 00000 n
The ILO has been very active in promoting its Decent Work Agenda (DWA), with the aim of creating better working conditions to increase people’s well-being. 0000046018 00000 n
The ILO instituted as its main goal “decent work for all”. 0000006678 00000 n
... ISBN 978-92-2-126862-8 (Web pdf) ISSN 0074-6681 First edition 2013 The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the ... implications of demographic change is guided by the Decent Work Agenda and by the Twenty years ago, the International Labour Organization (ILO) launched a new strategy, the Decent Work Agenda, to ensure human-oriented development in the globalization of working life and to provide an effective response to the challenges of globalization. ?�^�F�sê�r�7ԒP�%�c{紞W���.mH$�A>�x�,���1@���K�qG�mL�K���,?�9n0 |=e������n(�� ���UMޯuI�个NY4n�-�z��k�Y4�U�������r�5��F¤X�,�T�N��*Dc �SCvA����b^�'ю�C��z\Y�. Decent Work Agenda and its 4 dimensions: (i) International labour standards and fundamental principles and rights at work (ii) Employment creation ... ILO Decent Work Indicator Manual guides the construction of indicators. ILO’s Decent Work agenda in poverty reduction. Although The International Labor Organization (ILO) has been promoting decent work standards since 1919, and we have come a long way since. A World of Inequality 0000059749 00000 n
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The international community will discuss how a focus on the creation of decent work can be the catalyst that promotes the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development. Defining the concept of Decent Work, Decent Work Deficits. 0000058050 00000 n
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The importance of the goal of decent work to international development strategies and poverty reduction is widely recognized. 1. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION London, 14 November 2007 Presentation: Scope of the Decent Work Agenda Decent work Country Programmes Mainstreaming DW into the MDG process Decent Work The primary goal of the ILO today is to promote opportunities for women and men 0000006870 00000 n
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Q� mapping donor engagement in this agenda. 0000006917 00000 n
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ILO DWT, Bangkok. The ILO seeks to promote Decent Work through integrated Decent Work country programmes, which define targets within national development frameworks and implement programmes to tackle deficits in Decent Work. 0000007061 00000 n
The Agenda has been incorporated in the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. This is the final part of a six-part series revealing findings from SustainAbility’s recent report, "Targeting Value," with a focus on how the landscape of sustainability goals around the decent work agenda is evolving. 0000060039 00000 n
The ILO is supporting member States through technical assistance and capacity building at national, sub-regional and regional levels in this regard. regard, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has adopted a global discourse shift from humanitarian-only responses to development solutions, and job creation is the most important part of this rhetoric. 0000005925 00000 n
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The Case of the International Labour Organization Decent Work Agenda Erica Di Ruggiero Doctor of Philosophy Dalla Lana School of Public Health University of Toronto 2015 Abstract Structural inequality, employment insecurity, and unhealthy working conditions continue to rise. Decent Work – Safe Work by Dr. J. Takala, Director, SafeWork International Labour Office, Geneva XVIIth World Congress on Safety and Health at Work (Orlando, 18-22 Sep. 2005) 0000006393 00000 n
Decent work agenda 3. 0000048166 00000 n
“Decent work refers to having a well-paying job that can support yourselves and your families. Pong-Sul Ahn . 0000059102 00000 n
In the meantime, the Decent Work Agenda has been widely accepted as an important strategy to fight poverty and foster development. The Role of ILO and the standardization of national legal framework have a positive relationship in the arena of labour law. The promotion of decent work in global supply chains would contribute to several of the Agenda’s goals and targets, including the global goals of promoting 0000022411 00000 n
Pong-Sul Ahn . Guide to the new Millennium Development Goals Employment Indicators: including the full set of Decent Work Indicators / International labour office. cross cutting the 4 pillars of the . 0000060782 00000 n
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Later, at the 2005 UN World Summit, countries agreed to make employment and decent work for all a central objective of development strategies to support fair globalisation. Since that time, the ILO and its constituents around the world have developed and begun to implement a first generation of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs). AM%ߵd_���/�O=���'��n�)�g�\䠤17qf����dν�FI��DU��G��#&B �Jf�i�r�L���^��z����g�k
%�AIm��=�ou�òi@"���O���ag��آUA@��@��ZFy��B�B�cĔcy���8j;M$V m��>ԗa�z��"F�Y���D���e�#�">+�=�&�־�A�� T���.ϕi��gڱǠc����j�lY��ac�?��Ձ��ʟ�^�3��W�:.AB���ʰ7�^+�͆eG�@���~����fU9T��6. Many The key role of decent work for all in achieving sustainable development is highlighted by Sustainable Development Goal 8 which aims to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”.. Fourth item on the agenda International Labour Office Geneva . 0000006822 00000 n
The ILO Regional Office for Arab states works to foster social justice with decent work opportunities through sustainable enterprises, higher productivity and growth with equity. The concept of decent work . 0000059903 00000 n
Initiated in 1999 by ILO Director-General Juan Somavia, the Decent Work Agenda promotes a development strategy that recognizes the central role of work in everyone′s life. The End to Poverty Initiative: The ILO and the 2030 Agenda 2 ILC.105/DG/IB 2030 Agenda embodies to a remarkable degree the essentials of the Decent Work Agenda, not least through the Group of Friends of Decent Work for Sustainable Development co-chaired by the UN Ambassadors in New York of Angola and Belgium. 0000006441 00000 n
0000006249 00000 n
Decent work is a key area of engagement for the ILO and its members. trailer
International Labour Office (ILO) conceptualised decent work in 1999. As the cover to ISBN 978-92-2-131275-8 (print) ISBN 978-92-2-131276-5 (web pdf) International Labour Office. 0000009058 00000 n
Key to the development of international norms for “decent work” is the ILO Decent Work Agenda, a soft-law initiative adopted in 1999. 0000009971 00000 n
The International Labor Organization (ILO) has been promoting decent work standards since 1919, and we have come a long way since. 0000004370 00000 n
The ILO Decent Work Agenda is the balanced and integrated programmatic approach to pursue the objectives of full and productive employment and decent work for all at global, regional, national, sectoral and local levels. Decent work is a multifaceted concept that goes beyond having a job. Decent work is also central to efforts to reduce poverty and is a path to achieving equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. The End to Poverty Initiative: The ILO and the 2030 Agenda 2 ILC.105/DG/IB 2030 Agenda embodies to a remarkable degree the essentials of the Decent Work Agenda, not least through the Group of Friends of Decent Work for Sustainable Development co-chaired by the UN Ambassadors in New York of Angola and Belgium. Contents of the presentation 1. 0000006345 00000 n
As is known, access to decent work op-portunities gives meaning and purpose to peoples’ lives, and this is the best way for x�b```f`�Rg`g`�� �� @1v�K Trade unions have an important role in these country programmes. 0000054332 00000 n
Download full-text PDF ... the historical landmarks are systematized until the definition of the Decent Work Agenda. 0000046965 00000 n
In the Philippines, the Decent Work agenda is used to … ILO Decent Work Agenda Rafael Diez de Medina Labour Standards and Poverty Reduction Forum, DFID. – Geneva: Ilo, 2009 48 p. ISbn: 978-92-2-122304-7; 978-92-2-122305-4 (web pdf); 978-92-2-122306-1 (cD roM) International labour office This report is part of a broader ILO strategy to promote Decent Work for Domestic Workers. 0000060302 00000 n
The document recommends that the HLPF could build on and promote the ILO’s Green Initiative and ILO’s Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all as a framework to create policy-response capacity to integrate the decent work dimension in the transition to sustainable development. Goal 8 is our anchor :DWA in SDGs Agenda 8 plus. 0000057890 00000 n
Senior Specialist on Workers’ Activities . Strategic Objectives for Decent Work Agenda pdf - 0.3 MB Tags: employment, social dialogue, international labour standards, social protection, right to work, Arab countries, ILO Regions and countries covered: Arab States ISBN web pdf: 978-92-2-125431-7 International Labour Office decent work /technical cooperation / ILO programme /programme evaluation / Bahia 13.01.1 ILO Cataloguing in Publication Data _____ The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and The overall goal of Decent Work is to effect positive change in people’s lives at the national and local levels. 0000006965 00000 n
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This is the final part of a six-part series revealing findings from SustainAbility’s recent report, "Targeting Value," with a focus on how the landscape of sustainability goals around the decent work agenda is evolving. Decent work for migrant domestic workers: Moving the agenda forward / Marie-José Tayah International Labour Office, Conditions of Work and Equality Department. The ILO has been very active in promoting its Decent Work Agenda (DWA), with the aim of creating better working conditions to increase people’s well-being. Lates news In brief Decent work, the key to the 2030 agenda for susainable development 31 May 2017 Round table Factsheet: Strategic Objectives for Decent Work Agenda In September 2008, the ILO convened an international Tripartite Meeting of Experts on the Key features of Goal 8 and how it relates to DWA 0000012039 00000 n
0000053545 00000 n
Conditions of Work … 0000026685 00000 n
0000007290 00000 n
ILO DWT, Bangkok. The "Decent Work" agenda is not new. Measuring decent work : tripartite meeting of experts on measurement of decent work, 8-10 Sept. 2008 (TMEMDW/2008) / International Labour Office. Key to the development of international norms for “decent work” is the ILO Decent Work Agenda, a soft-law initiative adopted in 1999. ��G��01���iQ}5l|��{1���nG���T��K�ߗ&� =���k�N����նg��.���C� ���fE (��y��x�[pmGЇ�5�*����v�n{�o�N�l�3���`�ں.���pi���]���5?Z���Ӵ� �\�8Y����`�?`�w�u�����En�*�`ݻf#�� \��;#$�0�~@^� FHz�a��)��Df=B�X�Lə[�a�H�5o�}KO�A�LdY�y���"xF��W�9�䃈2�D�&�&�(+�=�������)�0���D�C��0(D�@I��_uLz��g�����ke)���em��g�a�0o�4K�^�t�%~��j�~O)Oex�[;e$uY��9Qn�N��\ ����&�lj�;Z;��ut1�a M The "Decent Work" agenda is not new. The Decent Work Agenda was formulated by the ILO in 1999. Decent work agenda 3. Decent Work is a core pillar of SDG 8 on “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” and is mainstreamed across the entire agenda. And in 2014, the G20 declared employment creation as its priority objective. 0000008321 00000 n
ILO Agenda for youth employment . DWA. Nonetheless, the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization recommends that member states may consider ‘the establishment of appropriate indicators or statistics, if necessary with the assistance of the ILO, to monitor and evaluate progress of the decent work agenda’ (ILO 2008). the number of jobs. The theme for the ECOSOC Integration Segment for 2015 is “achieving sustainable development through employment creation and decent work for all”. The publication gives practical examples of successful South-South experiences in the world of work that can be useful for govern- It was a strategic positioning of the ILO alongside the Bretton Woods institutions(BWI), designed to promote stronger co-operation between the three institutions, and establish the ILO’s role as a key ‘player’ on the eral said when referring to the Decent Work Agenda, “Decent Work must be Safe Work, and we are a long way from achieving that goal”. 0000007368 00000 n
This report is part of a broader ILO strategy to promote Decent Work for Domestic Workers. 0000043103 00000 n
The document recommends that the HLPF could build on and promote the ILO’s Green Initiative and ILO’s Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all as a framework to create policy-response capacity to integrate the decent work dimension in the transition to sustainable development. 1. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION 0000058809 00000 n
0000058432 00000 n
Download full-text PDF ... the historical landmarks are systematized until the definition of the Decent Work Agenda. 0000030255 00000 n
Since 1999, the ILO works according to the so-called Decent Work Agenda. 0000047255 00000 n
0000061271 00000 n
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