Where the mention of the word “convergence” appeared in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, it was always in connection with Sculley and Apple (Kawamoto 2003). Digital is virtually synonymous with binary when referring to computers, which process information coded as combinations of binary digits (bits). Brock, G., 1994. De-Convergence of Global Media Industries (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies, Band 47) Digital Platforms, Imperialism and Political Culture (Routledge New Developments in Communication and Society Research, Band 3) Die Beischlaf-Vermutung Läufer 59074 Rondella X-Band, elastische Kreuzbänder, Gummibänder 80 x 11 mm, Durchmesser 50 mm, 30g Dose, bunt Gummibänder X-Band; … However, they have been slow to implement HDTV because it promises little in return in terms of revenue, while the extra equipment and broadcasting costs are considerable. While deregulation is still an important concern, the availability of bandwidth for networked computers, and the development of affordable full motion video technology and cable modems re-defined the terms of the changing convergence equation. Functional: TV is a video medium that developed historically as a passive, in-home entertainment device. However, combining cable's high bandwidth network with the "switchability" of the telephone network in one line into the consumer's home has been fiercely resisted by both cable and telephone interests. Click here to ask a question about this article. Also HDTV requires 5 times the bandwidth of NTSC--from 6 MHz to 30 MHz in some systems--putting it into competition with other bandwidth users like cellular phones. What is the role of blogs, vlogs, podcasts and social networks? The convergence of all forms of mass media is not only setting the course of media and journalism, but is also changing the way in which we create, consume, learn and interact with one another. Weiner, eds., 1989. While the analogue signal is continuously variable within a range of values, a digital signal consists of discrete numeric values represented by binary patterns of 0's and 1's. Audiences had relatively fewer means of communicating directly with each other on a mass scale and neither did they have a direct means of communicating with the creators and publishers of the content of mass communication. Research on digital media and convergence culture relies on case studies, institutional analysis, theoretical exploration, and software studies. Brand, S., 1987. On the other hand, cable companies in Canada are allowed by the Broadcasting Act to originate programming. These overlaps were given new labels such as “virtual reality”, “interactive news”, “info on demand” and “national data highway”, and “2-way TV”(Kawamoto 2003). The public. From its origins, the technology of photography has been based on the effect of continuously varying light on chemicals, whether those chemicals are found on a metal, glass, or celluloid medium. Course Overview For example, in 1994, the New York Times, while reporting on the San Jose Mercury New’s online edition on AOL, had a subheading with the term “media convergence” which forecasted that technological changes were increasingly leading to convergence of all forms of media into one (William 1994). It is however important to note that this convergence doesn’t necessarily imply that a single journalist ought to do all the work from reporting, writing, shooting videos and editing them as well taking pictures and presenting their stories on the web. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Media Studies Page 4 Course Content (3), pp.11-28, Pavlick, J. and S. McIntosh, 2004. Convergence of technologies is increasingly changing the way in which we create, consume, learn and interact with one another. as media studies music audiences technological convergence Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Meaning of digital convergence. Simpson, J.A. The new media handbook (media practice). What does digital convergence mean? Technology Review. IMPACT OF DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ON THE MEDIA AND USERS OF INFORMATION CONTENT, DIGITAL CONVERGENCE SETTING THE COURSE FOR FUTURE OF JOURNALISM, Error, group does not exist! Despite the varied set of definitions to this concept, one thing that can be agreed upon is that digital convergence is increasingly and quickly transforming the very nature of mass communication. De-Convergence of Global Media Industries (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies, Band 47) Digital Platforms, Imperialism and Political Culture (Routledge New Developments in Communication and Society Research, Band 3) Die Beischlaf-Vermutung Läufer 59074 Rondella X-Band, elastische Kreuzbänder, Gummibänder 80 x 11 mm, Durchmesser 50 mm, 30g Dose, bunt Gummibänder X-Band; … Digit comes from the Latin digitus --finger or toe--two handy measuring devices associated with the Arabic numerals 1 to 9 and 0. Do we trade in an excellent analogue camera for a digital camera that loads images directly into our desktop computer? For example, the ugly neologism “compunications” was coined by Harvard’s Anthony Oettinger to express the overlap between telecommunications and computing (Mueller 1999). It may as well refer to the convergence of specific types of media such as video, audio and print into one digital media (Dewdney & Ride 2006). This was largely one way of reaching out to the audience. Media studies use of the term convergence The roots of media scholar use of the term should be sought in the development of computers and the web in the ‘60s and ‘70s. cassettes? Copy AQA AS MEST1 Cross Media Study - Film Fiction » Rob Miller | Thursday September 10, 2015 While a digital photo may look like its analogue counterpart, it is really a different object--it's a map of information. Competing in the Age of Digital Convergence. Amongst those that embraced Negroponte’s view was John Sculley, who was one of the executive at Pepsi in 1983 (Kawamoto 2003). 20190829 Communication Media Studies Digital Convergence Class 058Ed. it's very short, but it's worth a surprising amount of marks: 17% of component three! The higher the sample rate, the greater the fidelity of the digital output. Henry Jenkins III (born June 4, 1958) is an American media scholar and Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism, and Cinematic Arts, a joint professorship at the University of Southern California (USC) Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the USC School of Cinematic Arts. Scientists, academics and media theorists have for decades tried to assess and forecast the impact that this concept may have on mass media (Yoffie 1996). The coming together of technologies and institutions to create a new product or media experience. © Dr. Marshall Soules, Malaspina University-College, 2007. To be able to describe and understand the different forms convergence takes is to begin to unravel one of the deepest and most long-standing issues in the history of media studies: … With the help of social networking sites, the public can interact with the media in a much more efficient way. While analog signals are continuous--like waves--digital signals are discrete--like numbers. Digital Convergence, Digital Divergence, “Nordicom Review” 19 (1998), No. Today, this concept of “digital convergence” has become a ubiquitous buzzword in media and journalism. This increasing integration of technologies of computing, telecommunications, broadcasting and print media into a single digital environment is quickly revolutionizing media and journalism (Dewdney & Ride 2006). Digital convergence has become the key factor of change in communication media with it rendering better, more efficient and innovative services to the users of information content. A webpage is a good example of this "new media": the whole thing can be assembled on a desktop computer which combines text, image, sound, video, animation, and other digital effects . Writing media history is no longer a matter of charting the historical development of an individual medium such as film or televi sion. The concept of digital literacy is not standardised, as the scope is broad and has been researched from different fields. McLuhan called this the "rearview mirror syndrome," a situation extensively documented by media analysts: early mechanical printing made copies of manuscripts; early photographs mimicked painting; radio stations broadcast concerts and revues; early television presented plays and radio-style news reports; the internet adopts old business models or forms of entertainment like streaming video (aka television). This idea of a backpack journalist, however, did generate strikingly different views. Once in a digitized form, the image may be altered--in a program like Photoshop--in an increasing range of eye-opening, reality-shaping ways. While its general applicability may confirm Henry Jenkins’s appraisal of convergence culture as forming a general “paradigm shift” (2006, 243), it may also expose it as a new … It is this conversion that has revolutionized the way information is recorded, stored, transmitted, and integrated. ‘Convergence? For more information, check the HDTV Newsletter or Public TV and the transition to digital broadcasting. They are expected, for example, to write news, shoot and edit videos themselves (Kawamoto 2003). Among journalists, the idea of reporting a story using multiple media tools has generated a heated debate especially with the print reporters, who often don’t carrying audio recorders and video cameras while at work (Kawamoto 2003). As noted above, this concept of digital convergence has been there for nearly three decades and has long been associated with digital revolutions. For example, old black and white sets are still able to receive colour broadcasts, just as mono sets can receive stereo broadcasts. As Pavlick & McIntosh (2004) notes, digitization enables all forms of the media to escape their traditional means of transmission (analog) and be translated into one another, as computer bits migrate merrily. One bit can represent at most two values; 2 bits, four values; 8 bits, 256 values etc. Industries . “Digital convergence and its consequences”. A good example of this digital convergence can be seen with the Mobile TV. 2007 Choice Outstanding Academic Title. The coming together of these two companies represented a new level of convergence of the industrial and economic organization of media production and distribution (Dewdney & Ride 2006). media studies, digital humanities, translation studies, art history, musicology, and even ecology. The Convergence of Convergence: Examples of Digital, Media, Video, Technology and Industry Converging in the 21st Century. Rogers Communications, for example, owns controlling interests in broadcast companies. Convergence is an international peer-reviewed academic journal which was set up in 1995 to address the creative, social, political and pedagogical issues raised by the advent of new media technologies. Taken together, the alignment of all the particles on the disk represent digitally recorded information" (121). The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at MIT. In a digital signal, information is represented by "discreet states"--for example, high voltages and low voltages--rather than by continuously variable levels in a continuous stream, as in an analogue signal. Information and translations of digital convergence in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. “Backpack Journalism Is Here to Stay,” Online Journalism Review. Media technologies; Film studies; Digital heritage; Digital Humanities; Media convergence; News media and journalism studies; Cultural studies; Games studies; Celebrity studies; The successful candidate will work in a cooperative and collegial manner with fellow staff at all levels of seniority. An A-D converter, for example, can be used to convert sound represented as an analogue electronic signal--a sine wave--to a series of digital samples that can be stored in memory, on hard disk, or on a compact disk. The debate over the convergence of media--illustrated by the short review above--has been active since at least the early 1990's. Through this process technology can become more advanced and accessible. When we look at our newspapers, listen to the news, or visit our nearest computer store, we see that the debate is still being fiercely waged in the marketplace. Bringing separate analogue media together is possible because each has been translated to the digital form and can thus be combined and manipulated in a digital processor, the computer. Digital recording converts information to "strings of 1's and 0's that can be physically represented on a storage medium. For example, Jane Ellen Stevens, who had worked as a video producer and newspaper reporter was proud of the idea of a backpack journalist (Martha 2002). The variety of methodological approaches and the inherent interdisciplinarity of this work speaks to the ways in which digital media has affected all corners of modern life. 20190829 Communication Media Studies Digital Convergence Class 003Ed. So while it's short, it's important to tick every box. This is in sharp contrast to the traditional media where in reporting, video editing, and news photography were discrete professions (Kawamoto 2003). as media studies music audiences technological convergence Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Faced with the new digital technology, the human mind tends to resort to analogies to describe the new information-processing environment. You can use your phone to watch a film, stream TV, listen to music, or, while you're at it, edit video, play a videogame or frankly anything else. You will also apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework and digital convergence to the planning and production of a cross-media production (Indie music video and music magazine). It can only be played back, with a greater or lesser degree of fidelity, just as it was recorded in the vinyl. Today, the world of communications is surrounded by a multi-level convergent media wherein the various modes of information and communication are increasingly integrating into one in order to adapt to the enduring demands of technologies (Dewdney & Ride 2006). Up to date the world is still struggling with a combination of terms such as “telecommunications” to label the basic technology of the information economy. Vol 6. In 2006, Henry Jenkins’ Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide was published in which the celebrated media scholar mapped the industrial, technological, and social convergence that had emerged since the birth of the so-called ‘digital age’. Digital bytes are electronic packets of 1’s and 0’s to represent objects, policies and data. How do we compose music using a piece of software and a keyboard designed for typing? Ellis provides some historical context for our current situation: Ellis predicted that "smart" TV sets would act more and more like computers because they would either have computers embedded in them, or would be linked to computers. It is feels safe to predict that greater changes are on the way and the future of journalism lie with convergence of all forms of mass media. Digital Convergence Media- John Mathews (42886767) The Internet is now an apparent place where major music studies are placing their promotional material and music videos to gain audiences and overall revenue. 1 edition. For example, in 2000, Time Warner, an American film and publishing conglomerate merged with AOL, an internet service provider to become the largest media corporation in the world (Dewdney & Ride 2006). - mass communication is the process of designing cultural messages through media channels as old and distinctive as the printed book an as new and convergent as the internet - print, electronic, and digital eras - accompanied the shift of rural populations to urban settings and the rise of a consumer culture Kawamoto, K., 2003. Digital signals on the other hand, are not dependent for their existence on a particular physical medium....Most importantly, they can be reprocessed and enhanced indefinitely with the aid of computers." We are now faced with the rapid integration of digital technologies into our lives, and the choices can be baffling. High Definition Television (HDTV) or Smart-TVs? This convergence represents more than just a one-dimensional technological question as it also incorporates structural changes in the economic field where information services play a significant part and the convergence of industries as well (Dewdney & Ride 2006). Telecommunications Policy for the Information Age. Media Todayputs students at the center of the profound changes in the twenty-first century media world - from digital convergence to media ownership - and gives them the skills to think critically about what these changes mean for the role of media in their lives. (Microsoft Dictionary120) Binary digital computers are based on two states, logical ON and OFF, represented by two voltage levels, arrangements of which are used to represent all types of information--numbers, letters, graphics symbols, and program instructions. She opposed against hiring reporters that were computer illiterate and cited an example of Preston Mendenhall of MSNBC.com who spent a substantial amount of time traveling to Afghanistan and sending back written articles (Martha 2002). There is no doubt that the increasing convergence of the various modes of information and communication has changed the way in which we interact and communicate with one another. Telephones use a narrowband technology and operate through switchable networks to enable point-to-point private communication. Jensen, Communication Research after the Mediasaurus? A decade later, the convergence equation is more complicated: television, computers, cellphones, the internet, and their delivery systems--cable, wireless, telephony, satellite, broadcast--are scrambling the vision of the future. Media texts such as Hollywood films or tabloid newspapers are aimed at a mass market audience. The show on the web authenticated to view the full text of digital! 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